Chapter 3

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At first I was confused, one minute I was reaching out towards the light, the next I was lying on what seemed to be a wooden floor.

I opened my eyes, and this time it took a long time for them to adjust.

When I could see again I looked around trying to work out what had happened. Quietly, I stood up on shaking legs and stumbled across the room. I looked behind me and panic rose in my chest as I spotted at least twelve men sleeping in cots.

I backed away to what I assumed was the door, but instead I stumbled into a weapons stand. The crash was deafening as an array of blades and bows clattered to the floor. I whirled around, eyes wild, limbs flailing. It took me a moment to realise that I was the source of the commotion. I was in a state of utter terror when I heard a shout behind me and felt a hand wrap around my mouth.

I kicked out blindly and was relieved when I made contact with my captors legs. The mam cried out and let go of me.
I spun round and swung my fist into his face, he stumbled backwards and lost his footing, slamming his head into a small table as he fell.

I was about to bolt when I saw the group of warriors readying for a fight. Trying to overcome my panic, I turned to them and smiled viciously.

The warriors looked confused for a moment and I used this to my advantage. I ran forward and slammed my elbow into one of the males heads, kicking his legs out from underneath him.

'One down ten to go,' I thought.

I took a moment to study the remainder of them. Ten male warriors, yes, but they were not fae or mere mortals. In fact, their species was completely unfamiliar to me, they all had huge bat like wings.

I didn't have time to ask questions because the next two attackers were running towards me. It was obvious that I had woken up in a training camp because these people were not equipped with the skill set needed for battle; their technique was sloppy and some seemed completely baffled by my complex fighting style.

The first one swung a fist towards my face, I caught it, twisted his hand and flipped him over my shoulder.

The second was a little more difficult, he kicked out and his foot connected with my chest. I fought back a wince as I stumbled back a few steps, but quickly caught myself.

I ran forward again, this time determined not to get hit. Swing, duck, kick, dodge, swing. Over and over and over, that was all that was running through my head as I  brought down warrior after warrior. My assassins fighting instincts kicking in.

Only when the tenth warrior fell did I slow down, I felt the adrenaline leave me and I was suddenly fighting to stay on my feet.

I staggered out the door and was immediately hit by a blast of freezing cold wind. I had just about enough time to take in my surroundings: snow capped mountains, fighting rings and tents... And then I heard a male voice behind her.

"What's a pretty girl like you doing in a grim place like this? " He purred. I spun around to find myself face to face with him, a smirk plastered on his face.
He had jet black hair, that came to just above his collar bone and the same bat wings as the others. The only difference between him and the warriors I had just taken down was his aura of power and the red stones all over his armour.

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