Chapter 9

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Azriel's POV

'What on earth is happening to me? She walked in the room and suddenly all other thoughts left my head, why?'

Celaena was leaning against the doorframe when it happened, my power flared. I tried my best to keep the others from noticing but I think Rhys must of anyway, though he didn't show it. It was like my power made a beeline for her and almost got out of control. The voices that usually whisper in my ear were silent, like the only thing they cared about was her.

Celaena took her first step into the room and immediately stumbled, her back was obviously still bothering her. I shot to my feet and was by her side in the blink of an eye. She looked up at me and I saw pain and gratitude in her eyes. She leaned on my arm as we made our way back to our seats. We sat down next to each other and I couldn't help but think why I found her so important.

I had spaced out for a while, lost in my own thoughts, until my attention was brought back when Rhys introduced himself. "As you know, my name is Rhysand, High Lord of the Night Court and Feyre's mate," I noticed Feyre smiling out of the corner of my eye but I didn't look her way. Celaena had looked away, her hands clenched into fists and her shoulders slumped, I felt an overwhelming need to make her happy. I tried to work out what had made her so sad and uncomfortable,

'Maybe it was the mention of a mate?' I thought, but that wasn't possible, she's human, I think.

Cassian introduced himself next, "The name's Cassian, I'm part of Rhys's inner circle and general of his armies." I inwardly groaned, what am I going to do with him.

Suddenly, out of nowhere Celaena opened her mouth and asked, "what's with the wings?" I heard Rhys laugh behind me, and I'm sure he was about to explain, but I beat him to it.

"The wings are a mark of an Illyrian, the breed of fae that dwell in the mountains of the Night Court. They make up the fiercest warriors in our army." I noticed Feyre frowning at me, I guess the others just aren't used to me trusting a stranger so fast. I still didn't understand it,

'It's not a mating bond is it?' I thought, 'There's no way.'

"That makes sense," Celaena said, "what might your name be, and your amazing title of course?" I was taken aback, never had I met a human that was so comfortable around fae, then again she might not be entirely human either.

I looked at her and said politely, "My name is Azriel, I'm Rhys' spy-master." She looked back at me, genuinely interested.

"My kind of person," she said, holding my stare.

Mor continued the introductions. "Hiya Celaena, I'm Morrigan, Mor for short. I'm Rhys's third in command, and his amazingly glamorous cousin."

I saw a sparkle of mischief in Celaena's eyes, the same sparkle I saw in Mor's. A warm feeling filled my chest, she looked so happy.

"I think we're going to get along just fine," Celaena said, before turning to look at Amren.

This is going to be interesting.


"So, what are you and where do you come from?" Amren said.

'What?' Out of all the things I thought she would have said, that was not something that came to mind.

"I have no idea what you're talking about," Celaena said. She hid it very well but a look of fear and panic was evident in her eyes.

"What is she talking about?" Feyre asked Celaena, she looked Feyre directly in the eye before delivering her answer.



The flash of blinding white light forced me to look away, I instinctively reached for my mate. Feyre gripped my hand and leaned into me, I manoeuvred my body so I was shielding hers. The light seemed to dim behind us and I decided to turn around. Once my eyes adjusted I honestly couldn't comprehend what I saw.

Celaena was in the same place as before, except she was standing up. Az looked as if he had seen a ghost, a look of complete surprise on his face, as he stared up at her from where he sat.

Celaena, who was smirking like a mad woman, looked completely different than she had done a few seconds ago. Her eyes were even more spectacular, her hair looked like pure gold and her facial features, like her cheekbones for example, were more pronounced. All of that was obvious yes, but the two biggest changes were her pointed ears and the swirls of gold, orange and blue flames the started at her finger tips and went all the down to her feet. She looked like hadn't noticed them yet, and when she did her mouth created an O shape.

"Umm... Sorry, I'm not meaning to do this, honestly," she said, looking very confused. "I mean, who on earth would reveal their greatest weapon straight away, that would just be stupid."

Celaena's eyes met mine and it looked like she was being sincere. I was to caught up in my thoughts that I didn't realise Azriel was moving until he stood right in front of Celaena.

"Az," I warned, not wanting anyone to get injured. He held up his hand and silenced my complaints. Using his other hand, Az reached out towards Celaena, not stopping until his fingers met hers. Almost instantly his shadows and her fire raced down each of their arms, merging at the point where there fingers met.

A look of realisation crossed Azriel's face as he said just three words, "You're a Fire-Bringer."

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