Chapter 8

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I was right, the human was beautiful. She had golden blonde hair that flowed over her shoulders, and that kind of grace that even some immortals couldn't master. She had some colour in her cheeks now, and after three nights of rest I figured that she would look good as new soon. She stood completely still, a bit stiff, but still nonetheless. I saw her wince as she straightened up and attempted to lean against the wall.

"Come here," I said, I knew it sounded blunt but I had to know I could trust her. The girl, Celaena, took a hesitant look around the room before deciding to listen to me. She walked forward slowly and stumbled, before putting her hand out to catch herself. Azriel was on his feet and beside her before any of us could blink. They stared at each other for what felt like minutes, confusion written all over the girls face.

She shook her head, as if ridding it of unanswered questions, before taking Az's arm and leaning against him. I could tell he felt somewhat uncomfortable, but the look on his face was priceless. He looked so proud, almost like he was escorting the most important queen in the continent. I smiled proudly and gave him a nod of appreciation, he smiled back. Celaena sat down next to him on the spacious couch and struggled to get comfortable, her back was obviously still bothering her quite alot.

"Would you like me to call a healer?" I asked politely. She looked at me, holding my stare and gave me a look that told me she didn't want to be pitied. I instantly understood. I knew what it felt like to be fussed over to the point when you felt like you were no longer in control of your own life.

"No thank you," she said, the smile on her face was genuine, but it still didn't reach her eyes.
"Would you like us to introduce ourselves?" I questioned, knowing that if it were me in that situation I would want to know who I'm dealing with. Celaena nodded her head and I began, "OK then, my name is Feyre High Lady of the Night Court."

Rhys went next, "As you know, my name is Rhysand, High Lord of the Night Court and Feyre's mate." I smiled at him and when I glanced back at Celaena she had a look of sadness in her eyes, her hands were in fists in her lap and she was trying not to look at me.

Cassian continued, "The names Cassian, I'm part of Rhys's inner circle and general of his armies."

I was completely taken aback when Celaena opened her mouth and bluntly asked, "What's with the wings?" I heard Rhys chuckle behind me as he opened his mouth to explain, but Az beat him to it.

"The wings are the mark of an Illyrian, the breed of fae that dwell in the mountains of the Night Court. They make up the fiercest warriors in our army." I frowned at Azriel's tone of voice, it was almost like he was trying to impress her. Celaena looked at him carefully as nodded her head.

"That makes sense," she said, "what might your name be, and your amazing title of course?"

"I'm Azriel, Rhys' spy-master," Az answered getting an interested look in return.

"My kind of person," Celaena said, this girl is confusing me to no extent. Mor gave me a glance that said she needed to talk to me in private after this before continuing the introductions.

"Hiya Celaena, I'm Morrigan, or Mor for short. I'm Rhys' third in command, and his amazingly glamorous cousin." I would have laughed if it not for the serious situation. Mor's voice indicated that she was an innocent young girl that could do no wrong, but the twinkle in her eyes said otherwise. Celaena looked Mor up and down before smiling. This time I was glad to see that her eyes lit up and held the same mischievous glint as Mor.

"I think we're going to get along just fine," Celaena said before looking over at Amren.

Oh no.

Amren shared one glance with the new girl before asking a very peculiar question, "So what are you and where do you come from?"


"I have no idea what your talking about," Celaena said. Her words were calm and there was a look of complete and utter confusion written all over her face, but I knew she was lying. Her back had stiffened a little bit more and, behind the mask of confusion, I could just about make out worry and panic.

"What's she talking about?" I asked. Celaena looked at me directly in the eye before a flash of blinding light filled the room.

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