Chapter 6

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My hands slackened and hung at my sides, I was going to kill Kier.

The girl in front of me was sitting on the floor with her head lolling forward. There was a small pool of blood around her and her shirt was crimson red. Cassian quietly swore under his breath behind me and a low growl ripped from Rhys's mouth.

The human girl snapped her head up and stared at us with dead eyes. I was positive that the girls eyes would have been dazzling, if it weren't for her dire situation. They were the purest of turquoise blue, with a ring of gold around their pupils, but even though they were beautiful, I couldn't look at them. There was to much pain there, to much for even me to bare.

She stared at me for a long time before putting her head back down and saying, "It wasn't him, he did nothing."

"Exactly," was all Rhys said before tensing, walking over to the girl and crouching down in front of her. I new what he meant, the girl had been placed here by Cassian, with food, around four hours before they arrived. Meaning, this human girl had woken up chained to a wall, bleeding out and having no idea where she was. I guess I could relate a little bit.

"Your going to come with us, would you mind telling me your name?" Rhys murmured to the girl, but got no response. He reached out and shook her shoulder, as she slowly lifted her head I noticed how pale she was. The girl looked at Rhys before smiling slightly.

The mask we had all seen him put on had instantly vanished leaving only kindness and warmth behind.

"Celaena... my name is Celaena," she murmured under her breath, another type of pain flashing in her eyes, before gripping my mates hand and standing up.

"Well, it's nice to meet you Celaena, my name is Rhysand, you can call me Rhys if you like?" He said and she nodded slightly as if she could only just understand what he was saying. My own eyes darted around the room and eventually found Cassian's, the look I gave him was clear as day.

'Carry her... protect her, please.'

Cassian started forward slowly but quickened his pace as Celaena swayed on her feet and paled again. Rhys and him reached out and caught her before she hit the ground. They sucured her in Cassian's arms and slowly exited the room. I quickly followed a very quiet Az, who looked to be very deep in thought, out of the cell. My eyes darted back to the puddle of crimson red on the stone floor and I felt a tear run down my cheek.

'How could anyone on this earth be so cruel? How could anyone be so broken?'

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