Chapter 7

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I didn't know why I did it, it's not like I've has had much luck trusting people in the past. All I could think about was that males smile, it had reminded me so much of Rowan, it almost brought me to tears. After so long trapped in the same agonising routine, I couldn't help myself when an opportunity for me to escape arose. The way that man had looked at me, Kier I think his name was, had reminded me that I didn't have to live like that anymore.

My brain still wasn't functioning properly, due to the blood loss, so I didn't fight back when the long, black haired male from earlier picked me up and sucured me against his chest. I was only half conscious when they emerged from the darkness and into the light.

The man, no male, seeing as he was definitely not human, spread his huge pitch black wings and bent his knees. It took me a moment to process what was about to happen, but I was to weak to shout anyway, so I had no say in the matter as we took off into the sky. The early afternoon air whipped at my face and I got a breath taking view of the mountains below, before the edges of my vision became fuzzy and my mind slipped into unconsciousness.


I awoke with a start, pain searing through my back as I tried to rise. I sat up slowly, I felt the soft rubbing of bandages around my waist and back. They seemed fresh, 'How long have I been out?' I thought to myself.

I stood up and stumbled across the room, placing my hands firmly on the cabinet in the corner. I looked at myself in the mirror and realised that I was still in my human form.  With a flash of blinding light I became fae. My heightened senses kicked in and I could just hear movement and hushed voices just a few doors down.

The way the voice echoed told me that the room was big, maybe even a throne room. I shuddered, thinking about what Meave did to me in her throne room.

I got my balance and exited the room I had woken up in, and stepped out the door. It had been a long time since I had seen a corridor this beautiful, it had a domed roof and intricate paintings lined the walls.

Quietly, I made my way down the hall. When I reached the door to a room, I stopped, I could hear voices inside. The conversation seemed to have gotten quite heated so they didn't notice when I slipped inside.

There were nine people inside, Rhys being one of them. The others were all sitting on the couches, while he stood up front with his back to me. There was the two winged males from earlier, the fae female who had come to the dungeons and five others. Rhys seemed to be having a glaring contest with the black haired man who had flown me here.

"How can we know if she's to be trusted, she's human shouldn't we just send her back to the villages." I knew they were arguing about what to do with me.

"No, I don't think we should, she seems different from other humans that I've encountered. Az, you feel it too don't you, the power surrounding her feels almost the same as yours," Rhys looked at the other winged male, Az he said his name was, and he nodded his head.

Rhys ran his hand through his hair and turned round to face them, it was just my luck that he had to look directly at me in the process.

"Well, it looks like we have a visitor," he said, the others turned to look at me.

I smirked, "Yes, it seems you do. Thank you for finally noticing," I said and he chuckled.

Made of Fire and Shadows (ToG and ACoTaR Crossover)Where stories live. Discover now