Chapter 22

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Dawns PoV
I woke to silence.No kids screaming.I grab my dressing gown and head downstairs.i hear wonderland playing i can't help but smile from the sight before me.
"No daddy that tickles"Daisy says laughing
"Quick hide a monster with really bad bed hair has comedown"Gary says noticing me.
"Oil you cheeky b-buggier"I say watching my words
"Ahha you nearly said it"
"You see mummy she has really bad morning breath so don't give her a kiss"
"Ew mummy"
"No I don't "
"Am only joking babe even if your bed hair is a mess"
"Am gonna go take the kids to school then am all yours"
"No your not I've got work your on the school run"
"Oh alright well see you later Daisy em Dan give your mum a kiss were leaving"
They all come down each kissing me on the cheek then there out the door.
1 hours before
Garys PoV
"Dad,daddy"I hear Daisy whisper in my ear
"Mm what's up honey ?"
"I need a drink but Dan won't get me on and mummy won't let me go down on my own"
"Y..Ye I get you one now"
I carefully get out off bed with Daisy and throw her on my hip
Looking at my phone it reads 6:32am
I may as well stay awake I say to myself.btw I feel loads better just , my heads bruises that's it.
When I get downstairs Emily's sat there on her phone writing something down.
"How come your awake?"
Em literally jumps out her seat
"Dad! You just scared the crap out off me!"
"Keep your voice down"
"I was lying in bed think and then I remembered I didn't do my homework"
"It should have already been done"
"I know sorry I've done now am going for a shower and then am dressed"
"Alright don't wake Dan or your mum up I wanna leave your mum as long as possible and Dan am not ready to deal with his grumpy mood yet"
"Ey up talk off the devil"
"Am I aloud to go to school today ?"
"No your going grandmas"
"Oh alight am gonna go get changed"Dan said walking back upstairs
Present ---------------------
Garys PoV
Hurrying the kids into the car I drop em off first
"See you in a bit honey have a good day"
"Bye dad look after yourself love you"
"Love you to" with that the door closes and we're off again
"Wait in the car whilst I take Daisy"
"Alright"the teenager replies
We're walking to Daisy's class room
"Good mornings mr Barlow"
"Good morning"I reply with a smile
"Have good day Daisy be good"
"By daddy"she gives me a quick kiss
"Bye princess"with that she's off and so am I
"Right you've got an option you can either stay here with me or you can go to grandmas"
"Stay with you"
"Alright well we've got to head home"
After a couple off minutes Dan spikes up
"I love you dad"
"I love you to son"
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------sorry for the late update
Please leave your opinion am sorry this story has gone rubbish Am trying to get back to writing and thank you to everyone who is voting it means a lot ♥️

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