Chapter 27

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      ••GARYS POV••
Dans first day back after the whole incident thing... well might be Dawn and I have a meeting about it all...🙄

Lying there in bed all I can think about is this meeting,I mean it's not like dan has any anger issues or anything I guess he was just being over protective like I get with the girls.
Finally getting up I head towards the stairs "dad?" Turning around my son stands there,as he meets my eyes I can tell he's had a similar morning "honestly mate I don't have a clue on what's gonna happen all I can say is you did nothing wrong don't kick yourself alright ?" "Alright"with that's he's back in his room.this is going to be a long day...

Being woken up by pots and pans being banged around wasn't the best off ways to wake up on a day like this. Going downstairs I can't help
but bite my lip as I looks over in Gary's direction as he leans against the work top with his huge muscles threatening to burst through his t-shirt if he was to put anymore pressure on his arms.As he begins to carry on making daisy burst out in laughter,he release the weight from his arms and beings to cook something on the hob. "Mummy !" Daisy screeches making Gary's instantly turns round. "Hey" he says smiling as I walk in his direction and wrap my
Arms round his neck "hey" I say smiling kissing him then breaking out off his grip I head towards the table in the middle off the kitchen "we need a holiday" I say yawning "I know...we all need one but with the kids at school am not prepared to leave them with mine or your mum" I nod as I understand where's he's coming from. Actually saying that I have a mobs off London event coming up so we definitely can't go.
Gary's places a coffee in front of me and my mind fills with what could happen today.Giving Gary's a satisfying smile I could tell he instantly knew I was putting on a brave smile for the kids. "Morning mum" Emily says walking into the kitchen "morning" I smile as dan enters the kitchen to "don't worry mum today will be fine" dan says putting his hand on my shoulder.

Entering the room Dawns hand links with mine,we throw each other a satisfying smile then sit down. "Mr and Mrs Barlow you do understand why we're here don't you?" Is this guy stupid? "Am not being rude but That's obviously a stupid question we're here because off my son" Dawn smacks my arm "Gary !" "I understand that was stupid but if your son retaliates like that again we will have to get social services involved" are you kidding ? "It was a miss understanding he's been through a lot recently with me in hospital and the boy tipped him over the edge it won't happen again as me and his mum have talked to him there is no need to get social services involved" "mr Barlow I think you miss understood what i said... I said if it happens again" "well it wont happen again! Have you considered letting him back in?" The headteacher who his name appears to be Mr Smith reply's with a soft smile "yes we have considered it like we said if it happenes-" he's cut off as dawn cuts in "like my husband said it won't happen again,are you going to let him back in yes or no?" "Yes" Mr Smith quickly replies.
After a very awkward handshake we leave getting in the car Dawn rests her hand on my knee "Gary we need a long conversation with him" looking at her I reply with a sigh "I know...we will make sure he doesn't do it again"

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