Chapter 5

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"I'm up! I'm up!" I shout as Madison continues to shake my shoulder.

I look up and see her smile and the next thing I know I'm rolling off the bed and on to the floor. I finally get up and look up to see her walking out the door. I glance at my clock and it reads 7:30. School starts at 9:00 so I get up and shower. When I get out I wrap my hair in a bun and walk over to my closet. I have absolute no idea what to wear. I go through all my tops and skirts and don't find anything I like so I pick out a blue and green tribal print dress with black combat boots I also dry and curl my hair real fast. Then I put on some foundation, blush, eyeliner, mascara, and pink lipstick. I glance at the clock and it reads 8:30, so I quickly throw on an arrow ring, my mother necklace and some diamond earrings. I grab my leather jacket and big, black purse and race downstairs to see Madison making coffee for both of us.

"Morning! You ready for you're first day of high school in Beacon Hills and possibly finding your brother that you never knew you had?"

"As I'll ever be..." I trailed off grabbing a piece of bread and throwing it in the toaster.

"I love what you're wearing by the way! I mean it's a lot different from back in Chicago but different is good."

I smile and get a good look at what she's wearing. Madison has on a pink and purple floral dress with a grey cardigan. She also has on some nude colored heels and some silver feather earrings.

" I love those heels!" I reply to her.

I grab my toast from the toaster and sit down and eat it in a minute flat. I glance at the clock and it says 8:40 so I grab my coffee with one hand and my purse with the other and head out the door. Madison smiles at me as she swings the keys around her ring finger. I laugh at her and get in the car.

We get there at 8:50 so we have about 10 min to get our schedule and find our lockers. When we pull up to the school I see a bunch of kids hanging out, outside on some benches and by their cars. When Madison pulls into the parking spot I see that we have all eyes on us because we're the new girls. I look over at Madison and she noticed the same thing.

" Ready?" I ask.

"I think so."

When I get out of the car I know that all eyes are on us so of course I have to get out and walk into the school like a complete badass. I have my bag over my shoulder and look back. I see a bright blue jeep and a green motorcycle pull into a parking spot a few rows down from us. The guy that gets off the motorcycle pulls off his helmet and underneath is a handsome face with dark brown hair an brown eyes. I also noticed that his jaw line was weird but I'll figure it out later. Then the boy that gets out of the blue jeep has slightly spiked up brown hair, and adorable brown eyes. But, I can admire them later! I think snapping out of my little daydream. I turn around and grab Madison's arm and pull her towards the office.

"Everyone was and still is staring at us." Madison whispers at me.

I smile and nod " Yeah I know. It's weird because in Chicago that never happened."

" Yeah! Did you see some of the guys here?" She says gleaming.

I let out a small giggle and open the door to the office. We leave the office five minutes just as the bell rings.

" Great... Now we're late and everyone will defiantly be staring at us when we walk into the class room." I grumble to Madison.

" I know, but you said that you wanted to change so prove to me that you have and walk in there confident!"

I kind of ignore her and walk over to my locker. We were just a few lockers down because my name we registered as Sarah Leroux and Madison Kahn. But since Leroux and Lahey are so close we will be locker neighbors! I throw my textbooks into my locker because you don't need a textbook for English.

"Hey Madison, what do you have first?"

"Math! What about you?"

"English, so hopefully the class won't be too bad even though we transferred right at the start of the second semester.

" Yeah not much advice to give you there. But hopefully the teachers nice!" She says as she shuts her locker.

"See you soon! And keep an eye out for Isaac!" I shout as she walks down the hallway.

I walk in the opposite direction to the English room. As I'm getting closer to the class I hear the teacher talking about some sort of heart of darkness thingy. I walk into the class room and see all heads turn towards me. I smile and walk towards the teacher handing her my tardy slip.

"Class, this is our new student Sarah Leroux." the teacher says to the class.

I give a small smile to the class and look around until I see the boy with the blue jeep. He has amazing beautiful brown eyes and even a few moles on the side of his face. Sitting next to him is a girl with strawberry blonde hair and green eyes. Behind her is an open seat so I walk around and sit right behind her.

We get about 10 minutes into the class when the girl turns around, hands me a worksheet and says " Hi, my name is Lydia."

I smile back and introduce myself, " Hey, I'm Sarah."


Hi everyone! Just please keep reading and add my story to your library! Also please comment and vote!

Love you guys! :)

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