Chapter 6

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I smile at Lydia as she turns back around. The boy that was in the jeep this morning also introduces himself, " Welcome to Beacon Hills! My name is Stiles." 

" Thanks, I'm Sarah Leroux." I say.

As soon as I finished saying that a teacher walked in and up to Ms. Blake.

"Scott McCall?" She says nodding her head towards the hallway.

Stiles looks over and the boy that was on the motorcycle gets up with his stuff and follows her out of the classroom. Ms. Blake comes back in and continues teaching. I zone out and look outside for awhile watching a few black birds gather in the trees. As I lose interest in the stupid birds, I see Stiles look towards the floor by Lydia's desk. 

"Lydia," He starts. "What happened to your ankle?" He says gesturing to her leg. 

" Prada bit me." She replies.

"Your dog?"

"No, my designer hand bag..." She says sarcastically. "Yes my dog."

I look up at her and grin. And as soon as I do that Stiles glances over at me.

" What if that's like a sign or something. I mean first it was the deer and now Prada." He says.

" What's that thing about three's? First, second-"


I jumped and turned my head towards the window. There was some blood on the window and a huge cloud of the black birds that I was watching earlier. Ms.Blake slowly walks over to the window and watches with the rest of the class.


Birds swarm into the classroom.

Somewhere in the confusion I hear Ms. Blake shouting to all of us, " Get down!!!"

I leap under the desk and close my eyes. Some first day...

I have no clue how long I was under the desk, but I slowly open my eyes. All of the birds were gone and some of the other people started to get up as well. A hand reaches out in front of me. I grab it and he helps me up. I look up and see that it was Stiles. He seemed like he was ok.

" Are you okay?" He asks me.

" Yeah I think so. You?"

" I'm fine. This is probably the worst first day of school for you." He says smiling at me.

" Yeah it's towards the bottom of my list..." I agree with him.

" You might wanna get your head checked out. I think there's a nurse on the way here."

I lift my hand up to my forehead and feel my warm blood on my fingertips.

" Okay, you're right. I probably should. Thanks," I say to Stiles as I walk away.

The nurse orders me to sit down and cleans out the cut. I look around the room and see that a few parents showed up and even the Sheriff. The Sheriff walked over to Stiles and started asking him a bunch of questions.

Why isn't he asking any of us any questions? 

I was wondering until I heard Stiles call him Dad, so I guess that answered that...

I was watching everyone else and not paying attention when someone tackles and hugs me from behind. I let out a small yelp until I realized that it was just Madison.

" Are you okay?" She asked worried.

" Yes, again I'm fine."

"Good! Lets go and just ditch the rest of the day because you look like you need too." She says.

" Wait, did you find Isaac at all?"

" No, he wasn't in my class or by your locker, so maybe he just wasn't here today."

" Okay, I just hope he shows up soon because I really want to meet him." I say to Madison sneaking in and out of the people and walking towards the car.


Stiles POV

" Okay, you're right. I probably should. Thanks," Sarah says to me turning away.

She has amazing, long, golden blonde hair that can about to her mid back. She was about 5'5 and has eyes as blue as the sky on a clear day.  As she walked away her hair and hips swished in sinc. As I was admiring her I see out of the corner of my eye, my Dad walks into the classroom and towards me.

" What happened in here?" He asks me.

" There was a ton of birds that just broke through the windows in here."

" Okay I'll be right back." He says walking off.

I look back over at Sarah and see another new girl talking to her. I move closer to try to hear them better. And I know that this is a completely bad idea, but what the hell!

" Yes, again I'm fine." I hear Sarah say.

"Good! Lets go and just ditch the rest of the day because you look like you need too." The other girl says.

" Wait, did you find Isaac at all?" Sarah says. 

How does Sarah know Isaac? Why does she want to find him? Does she know that he's in the hospital with Scott? No, obviously not since shes asking about him to the other girl.

" No, he wasn't in my class or by your locker, so maybe he just wasn't here today." I heard the other girl say.

" Okay, I just hope he shows up soon because I really want to meet him." Sarah says to her. 

Okay I should probably talk to Scott about this because if this girl is looking for Isaac then something is up. And she's probably not going to be able to talk to him for awhile because we just found him ourselves so I hope she's willing to wait.


Hey Everyone!

Sorry its been so long since I last posted but I might put another one up soon! Please comment, vote and tell your friends about my story! 

Love you guys! :)

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