Chapter 7

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I glance at the clock and it reads 2:19 am.

I can't sleep at all from the day I've had. It was my first day of school at Beacon Hills and I walk in there hoping to find my brother but that never happens. Then during first period a swarm of killer birds crash through the windows and try to peck our eyes out. Lucky for me I guess I only got a scratch on my head.

I guess the best part of my day was when Madison and I ditched school and went to a cafe for the rest of the afternoon. And surprisingly the worst part of my day isn't the crazy birds but it's the fact that I can't sleep even though I am exhausted.

I lay in bed staring at the ceiling thinking about serious things and some of the weirdest things. I look over at my clock again and it's reads 2:28. 

" That's it! I give up." I say in a hushed whisper.

I throw off my covers and walk over to my window. I just have on some short pajama shorts and a tank top but no one is watching so I open the window and look out. There is part of the roof that comes out from my window so I carefully step onto it and sit outside. I look up and see the bright almost full moon.

I have no clue how long I've been sitting outside but my eyelids are getting droopy so I somehow end up climbing inside and while doing that fall to the floor with my face breaking the fall. I'm to tired to get up so I reach around and grab a pillow snuggling with it.


" What the hell are you doing on the floor?"

" Sleeping. What does it look like?" I mummer back to her.

" Well stop sleeping, get off your ass, and get dressed! We leave in 20 min."

" Ok, Ok, I'm getting up."

" Good. Hur-"

" In 5 more minutes." I finish saying.

" No! Get up now! I don't want to walk into school with my best friend looking like she didn't sleep at all last night!"

" I didn't really sleep last night."

" Oh... Well sorry sweetie! Just get some major caffeinated coffee and don't fall asleep in economy!" I glance up at her and throw my pillow on my bed.

I walk into the bathroom and turn on the shower. I drop my clothes to the floor and take a 5 minute shower. As I walk out I guess I feel more awake but as I look in the mirror I see what Madison meant. I had huge bags under my eyes! I put some cover-up under my eyes to try and cover them up and then go over to my closet and pick out a maroon colored skater skirt with a plain white t-shirt. I quickly put on my mother's locket and a simple gold ring. I swiftly put my hair into a french braid, grab my gray vans and purse and race downstairs.

" Coffee?" I shout as I'm coming down the stairs.

" Already done! And I made sure to put in a little more caffeine."

"Thanks! You are a life saver! I mean literally, I would've died today and you just prevented that." I say as we walk out the door.

" I know I am!" Madison smirks.

We get to school just in time and head to our lockers.

" Isaac isn't here again." I say to Madison pointing at the lockers next to mine.

 " Maybe he just doesn't need to go to his locker or already went to his class."

" I just really want to meet him! I just hope he still comes to school and isn't like some drug dealer that got caught and was sent to jail!"

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