Chapter 3

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Chapter 3

" Alright fine, then can we leave in a few days?" I asked Madison.

"That soon? I guess, but don't you just want to think about all of this for a little? I mean your parents did just die..." she said quietly.

"Yes. That's why I want to leave soon. I want to be a different person in Beacon Hills. I don't want to be sad, scared, and shy all the time. I want to re-invent myself there and be a better version of me; you know like more outgoing and brave." 

"Ok! Then I better start packing!" She shouts running up the stairs.

I laugh and pick up the papers. I wonder to myself if Isaac will be happy to see me or won't even care. What if he doesn't like me right now or the new me when I get there? What if he doesn't want to see me and doesn't want to get to know me and actually become part of my new family with Madison and I?  What is his life like without Mr.Lahey and Camden? I run upstairs, into my room and over to my closet. I grab my suitcase and start throwing my clothes in.

Over the next few days Madison and I pack up the house and put basically all of the furniture into storage. We also got rid of a bunch of clothes because as soon as we get to California we are going on a shopping spree for a new wardrobe because most of our clothes were going to be way to hot for Beacon Hills.

On Thursday night we call a taxi to take us to the airport with all of our stuff. The flight takes about 4 hours to get to Beacon Hills so we get to California at around 7am Friday morning.

"Ok, so I'll call a taxi to take us to a hotel then this afternoon we can look for an apartment!" Madison says.

I yawn and say, "sure but first I want to sleep. What kinda of apartment do we want? I kinda want something like a loft."

"Yeah that would be cool!" she agrees. 

When we get to the hotel I fall onto the bed and fall asleep immediately. In a few hours I wake up and see Madison on the bed next to me fast asleep. I smile and decide to wake her up but have a little fun doing it. I grab a plastic cup and fill it with water. I creep up next to her and get right next to her face, then I scream as loud as I can and throw the cup of water on her.

"AHHHHH!!!!! What the hell was that for?!?" She screams at me.

" It's time to get up and look for an apartment!!!" I smile.

She grumbles and gets up to take a shower. For the next 30 min we shower and get ready, then I call a cab to look at a few apartments. The first 2 weren't very interesting but the third one was very cool. It had dark hardwood floors throughout the place with a nice size kitchen with pretty granite counter tops. It had a big family room with a porch next to it. Off the family room there was a pretty big bedroom with the walls painted a light purple and a bathroom right next to it. Next to the kitchen there were some stairs that lead up to another bedroom. It had a huge window and in the middle of the room it had a queen size bed with light coral colored duvet. The walls were painted a light blue and had a mirror right above the dresser and a big bookcase next to it. On the other wall was a door that leads into a big bathroom.

" I call this room!" I shout to Madison downstairs.

She comes upstairs and says " no fair! I was downstairs!"

"You snooze, you lose!" I smirk.

She shrugs and walks downstairs to admire the kitchen.

"Do you like it?" She asks me.

"Yeah, I really love it. Lets get it!" 

We go and talk to somebody and get it sorted out and gave us the keys to the place. The guys that runs the place said that we can move in tomorrow and that all of the stuff in the apartment we get to keep.  We go back to the hotel and fall back to sleep as soon as my head hit the pillow. I fell asleep thinking about how we just bought a kick ass apartment and that we decided that we will continue with high school at the same school as Isaac.

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