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Hey guys! We are trying to be more active so here's a little treat! (Posting a little more often) 

Our hands were tangled with each other. I had left my bag in the car for security reasons, my bigass phone sticking out of my back pocket. "Want some ice cream?" He said as we walked down the lakeside. I nodded softly, looking at the stand full of ice cream. I sat down at the bench a little further away from the stand, peering down at my missed calls from my mother. Why does she even try? All she has caused me recently is heartbreak and she expects me to listen and respect her. Off in my own world, I shook my head, putting down my phone to expose a younger man. He was tall and had brown hair. He stood right in front of me, staring at my chest with no respect. "Can I help you?" I asked with an attitude. How dare he stare at my boobs with no problem! "Yeah, how much do you charge?" He slurred. Great, another drunk dude. "I charge nothing because I don't do th-" Before I could finish, he smashed himself into me. "Free!?" He smiled, trying to grab me. "No, get off of me!" I shoved up my knee, kicking him in the nuts. The man grunted and bent over, taking his hands off of me. Where was Tal? Scoffing, I walked away at a fast pace. "Come back here! You can't just kick me there without giving me something in return!" The man smirked, his shorts barely hanging on. "Get off of me!" I shouted, shoving him back. This time he was ready to swing at me, the anger in him puffing out as he tried to swing an arm. He more looked like a chicken who had his head cut off. Before he could actually make contact with my skin, Tal had already tackled him. "Are you okay?" Tal grabbed me, the man recovering and looking half-dead. Tal softly held me, and we walked on. 


I was still a little shaken up from earlier, walking into Tal's place. He was right behind me, watching the entire time. "Hey, babe, its okay. He didn't hurt you, I wouldn't let him. I saw him and was running towards you." He hugged me from behind. I understood, it's not like I was helpless and couldn't defend myself. I was thankful my man had kicked his ass, he deserved it. Sitting on his bed, I slipped off my heels and laid back, putting my bag down on the ground and resting my sun hat on it. He laid down next to me, and held my hand. "Thank you.." I finally said after a moment. He turned his head and adjusted to be hovering over me. "Anything for you."  He whispered, our lips touching. Usually when we kissed, it was same old love, but this had such passion. It was like kissing Tal when Aria first met him. It was like a whole new layer of their love. Their clothes slowly peeled off as they kissed, as Aria noticed she had lost basically her whole outfit in the matter of 5 minutes and in-between kisses. They were good at that, not even noticing that they were taking off their clothes. It was like a habit. The rest of the night was perfect, but we don't go into detail. (me trying not to scar 5 year olds) 


It took me a minute to wake up, last night was a blur. We went to bed early, so when I woke up it was merely light outside. Making contact with eyes blue as the sky, I smiled at Tal. "What a beautiful boy." I kissed his lips, and he smiled. "Morning breath." I gagged jokingly, his chuckle in return made me smile. What a beauty. I was so lucky. "Okay, neighbor. I am off to my own home!" I declared with a British accent, fake marching with my undergarments to his closet. I must have a few extra clothes here that I left, right? Hopefully? I didn't want to be seen with his oversized t-shirt in public, that would be mighty awkward. Tal just admired me from his bed and checked his phone. 

Opening his squeaky closet doors, I peered in. It was so.....neat. "Woah Tal, you have some serious organization skills that I didn't know about." I said with a disgusted voice. "I thought you would be proud." He gushed, coming up from behind and scaring the literal voice out of me. I spasmed in reaction before I found out it was him. "Tal Fishman! Don't do that!" I groaned, whipping around and softly pushing back his bare chest. He dramatically clutched his heart and fell to the ground. "Officer down!" He screamed, a big thump of his body falling. I made a static noise with my teeth. "Pssh, let's just leave him, over pssh" I giggled and he shook his head. "You're evil, Aria." He pecked my lips before I continued my broad search of an outfit to wear. This was so difficult! Grabbing a pair of shorts out of a box, I slipped them on over my panties. Yes! Now to find a shirt that went with it. Looking through the same box, with my luck I found a white crop top. My outfit was just some old sandals I had left here from when I stayed with Tal, which I called "Jesus Sandals" since they looked like those sandals that creeped up my legs, some short denim shorts, and a white crop top. I put my hair up in a pony tail since I didn't really have enough effort to deal with it. Walking out from the bathroom, I stacked the boxes and reorganized his closet again. Closing the doors, I turned around to a small breakfast prepared by my lovely boyfriend. "Eat up while I get dressed." He smiled, slapping the wooden high-seat by his counter. Nodding, I hopped on up and started to dig in.

This was heavenly. My Tal definitely knew how to cook a good meal. I ate the small cooked egg, with some of the bacon and sipped my orange juice until it's last breath. Washing the plate and fork and rinsing out the glass, my dish washing trip was cut short with a knock on the door. "Tal, you expecting someone?" I called, but no answer. Was this a trick? I didn't expect THAT much out of Tal, seeing as he was pretty groggy and didn't really plan well in the morning. Opening the door, there was a girl standing there. "Hi!" She said shyly, her thing arm pulling up in a wave. "Hi! Whats up?" I said, quite confused. Who was she? She was wearing a pretty....broad outfit. A bralette with shorts that basically identified as a pair of panties. She wore white vans and her hair had more extensions that I had dollars in my bank account. "Aria I told you no-" Tal stopped and saw the girl. "Tal! Oh my gosh!" The girl ran in and hugged Tal. Oh? I shut the door and I was still 100% confused. "I missed you so much!" She smiled and gave him a quick peck on the cheek. This wasn't Tal's sister, who was this? 

Hey guys! Hope you enjoyed! Comment + vote for the next chapter! Muah xx 

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