to the readers && tal fishman

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hello for whoever is reading - this was created to read BEFORE you go to the story:

if you do not care for a heartfelt and goofy message, then you may go along to your reading, i don't want to stop you from reading our cringy story.

before you ask "who is our or us", this story was written by TWO people, the first few chapters were by the owner, d, and after about six (i think) was written by  c, the co-owner c:

i see this book has gotten a TON of reads, so first off I would like to thank everyone for making that possible!

i love writing and seeing people enjoy our writing makes me so happy!

this was book was not meant to make you cringe, and i really do apologize if it does. we only meant to make our love for writing collide with our love for tal, and we're very proud of him. OUR SOUR CREAM BOY MAKES US SO PROUD

*updated- he also just hit 7M on youtube and nO IM NOT CRYING MY EYES ARE JUST SWEATING 😭😭👏🏻

*updated- he just hit 8m a few days ago i AM SO PROUD OF M'BOY :)

*FREAKING UPDATED HE HIT 10M TAL STOP GROWING ;( he also followed me on twitter 🤪

i also do apologize for any spelling and grammatical mistakes, we can't always catch stuff so if you could just ignore those, that would be dandy :)

anywAY yeah just decided to say hi before you add the story

ALSO THIS IS LIKE NOT IMPORTANT bUT if you could just vote every chapter, it shows SO much support and will help Tal see it!

TAL WE LOVE YOU! We will always love you (not in a creepy way - but by me saying this makes it creepy so just 😪🔫)

but seriously, go read the story, i'll stop stalling

love you all to pieces!

Not Just a Neighbor, [ Tal Fishman ]Where stories live. Discover now