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FYI this part is kind of slow and long but I promise it will speed up in the next part, so please read!

(y/n), the daughter of the deceased storm god Yamato and highly esteemed bandit clan leader Matsume, is setting out on a quest to eliminate Naraku, her father's killer. She has inherited her father's immense power, yet she must harness the power and make it her own before she can become a god and reach her true potential. She quickly mastered the art of the twin swords, a sacred tradition of her mother's clan and is on her way to find Naraku.

It's been four whole years today since Father was murdered and I started my training with mother. Yesterday, I finally reached the end of my training. Tomorrow is my graduation ceremony and one week from today I will depart from the palace and seek out the scumbag half-demon, Naraku.

Father, I hope you're watching me. I can only pray that this is what you want me to do. Four years ago Naraku tried to steal your power. You died protecting the only thing you had to give me. I sometimes think if you were human like mother you would still be with us...

Mother walks into my room unannouced and kneels beside me at the small shrine I had set up in father's honor. I looked over to see her holding something on her lap wrapped in an old battered kimono.

"Your father would be proud of you. No one has mastered such a sacred art in only four years... When I was young, and began my training with your grandfather, I could tell that he had wanted a son. I've always strived to fufill that. My point (y/n), is that I don't want you to live your life trying to do what your father would have wanted. When you leave, be safe and remember me and the clan." She looks down at the kimono in her lap. "This was your Great-great-grandmother Itsuji's kimono, and i-it guards the sacred swords. Lady Istuji was a demon who started the clan after the war and had the swords made by a master blacksmith. Now (y/n), you  have become a true woman of the clan and I need you to be safe on your journey... Please take these with you." she says.

"Mother, you lead the clan. You are the rightful weilder of the swords. I-I can't take these," I say as I stand up.

"No one has been able to weild the swords since Lady Itsuji because she was a demon, and the swords are merely conducters of magical energy. My grandmother was taken in by Lady Itsuji, and was human. No one in the family has been able to weild the swords since Lady Itsuji-" she says as she gets up and grabs my hands. "But I believe that you can, with your powers."

"But mother... my power is so weak compared to fathers."

"Your father had to harness and master his powers before he became strong, you have come so far with your powers already, now make them yours."

"I don't even know what that means though, how do I 'harness' or 'master' magical powers?" I whined.

"I'm sure that somewhere along your journey you will learn what I mean." With that she leaves the room.

I glance down to the kimono, and unwrap the swords. When I pull them out of their sheath I see the heavy 'like new' shine from generations of polishing and sharpening, but never weilding. I can feel the sadness in the blades calling to me. I strap the swords to my back and pull them out of their sheath, when my hand gripped the sword it became lighter and I could feel the happy and anxious warmth from the blade. I did some dorky battle poses, then I put the swords away and set the in front of fathers small shrine.


My bestfriend Sue (Su-Eh) put on my kimono and put my hair up. I have been here for at least an hour having layer after layer of kimono put on me and just when I thought we were done Sue put something in my hair.

"Sue-" I try to protest.

"I want you to have my hairpin (y/n)" she says.


"Because, you idiot, I want you to remember me when you leave"

"Wow Sue I didn't take you for someone this cheesy" I say. She replies with a quick smack to my head. I'm really going to miss teasing Sue when I leave. It's been me and Sue for so long, nobody else wanted to be my friend for fear I'd smite them or something.

"Come on, you're going to be late" she rushes me.

After the coronation a scorpion demon named Uchiyori attacked the palace. I rushed outside with my old swords leaving the sacred swords in my room. I began to fight Uchiyori but was easily being defeated. When I was knoced down Uchiyori began to fight off the guards who I knew stood no chance. I got up and ran frantically to my room. I grabbed the sacred swords straight out of the sheath leaving it behind.  Once I was outside I saw the demon holding Sue and I screamed Uchiyori's name,

"UCHIYORI!!!" He cockily turned to face me.

"Back for more pesky girl?" He said with his disgusting demonic voice.

I dashed towards him, and struck his tail. As he backed away in pain and dropped Sue, I dashed to him again and let out a battle cry when my swords became enveloped in lightning. I struck a final blow and watched as his body turned to ash. The people of the clan began to cheer. I looked down to see the lightning from the swords begin to disappear. Mother rushed to me and hugged me tightly.

"I knew you could do it," she said.

She released me from the hug and grabbed my shoulders,

"You must leave though, now."

"But mother..."

"You need to leave and find Seshomaru"

"Who the hell is that?" I was beyond confused.

(In modern words- to sum up how you're feeling right now, "Bitch what the fuck?? Who's this Sesshomaru??? I AM SO LOST!??)

"Just find him, and go now" she sent me to the stables and had a horse readied for me.

I've learned not to question my crazy mom, it never work out for me. With that I was off on my journey.

//Demon in the Light// Sesshomaru x readerWhere stories live. Discover now