Chapter 3

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"Hullo,"I stared into the dusky greys and tried not to blush.

"You're needed to report in for duty now," Josh stated brusquely.

"What? Why? I thought I had to go get some training crap done first? Survival in the field or something the like was what you said," I muttered sarcastically.

"Yes," Josh remarked almost absentmindedly," you will need training but for now we need to to focus on case that just proped up." I watched as he picked a piece of garlic bread off my plate and started munching.

But I didn't mind. Popping in a large mouthful of pasta I took off to my room to grab my very own purpose built laptop. I stuffed it into my bag along with various other gadgets that I might need. I knew nothing and had nothing to go on but I knew it was pointless to ask Josh now. He wouldn't reveal anything with Cody listening on in.This was afterall high profile police work.

I emerged from the room packed to the brim with all the things that I may require. Josh was almost done eating my dinner. I watched as he slurruped in the last bite of my fettuccine. But I didn't mind. I was no longer hungry. The nervousness over what I'd soon be facing was enough to drain away what appetite I had. I have not done anything like this before so my nerves were stretched out to the limits.

"Shall we?" I didn't realise I had been simply staring at him eat until he'd finished up and was now even daintily swiping at the splashes of sauce about his lips.

"Uh..huh," I waived my belongings at him and said with wavering confidence," I got all I'll need."

Cody walked us to the door then gave me a swift but awkward hug. Awkward because of the load I was carting. Even Josh gave me a dubious look as I edged past the door sideways.

"This way," he said as soon as we emerged into the cool night air. I followed him to a van parked in the corner. "Nope we are riding in the back," Josh said as I moved to the front seat. The inigtion turned on even as we approached the van. The interior remained dark spooking the hell out of me then the door opened only a little so we could get in the back. I gritted my teeth and held my tongue as I followed Josh into the dark void before us.

I was greeted by the muted sounds of electronics. The door slammed shut behind me and the interior of the van lit up instantaneously. I raked in a huge breath of relief finding the van equipped with the very latest of what made me tick. Uninvited, I slid into the vacant seat before a huge screen and ran my hands lovingly over the keyboard. Password encrypted! I rubbed my hand gleefully and begun to do what I did best ...hack!

"She didn't even glance our way," said Pete a little dissapointed. I absentmindedly tuned out the conversation flowing around me and focused entirely on  my fingers flying over the keys of the keyboard like a maestro.

"You know if you wanted the password in all you had to do was ask," whispered Josh in my ear. But that wouldn't do. I had to prove my worth if only to myself. I needed the confidence rush that doing this would give me. There was no way...I ...I was in!

I threw up my hands in victory just as Alvin tossed down a sheet with the password written on it before me. "You do know hacking into the police system is a federal offence.


"I was just checking the user access controls and these are really paltry," I said defensively.


I could tell I wasn't fooling anyone so I smiled sheepishly and meekly asked," So what is it I'm needed to do?"

A blue folder was dropped before me. "We need you to do what you do best...hack!"


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