Chapter 31

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"You did well," Josh muttered above me sarcastically. I started to glare but instead winced in pain. The whole side of my face felt like it was on fire.

"Did you get anything?" I managed to croak out through dry and cracked lips.  It has been a whole day in which Josh had skillfully eluded capture. I would hope he had found something.

But Josh only shrugged his shoulders before tapping his ears. Were they listening? I glanced about the darken room in despair. Rescue was supposed to be here hours ago. I didn't understand the delay. My system was fail proof. It couldn't have failed on me.

I felt warm hands move down my arms to grasp my hand and then I was being hauled up onto my feet. I wavered where I stood for a moment feeling a bad case of vertigo come upon me in an instance.

Then I was being tugged out towards the gaping hole. I glanced about at the bodies strewen around and was glad I missed out on all the action. I swallowed back the bile I had felt rising up my throat and tried not to look about.

The camp was silent. It seemed too quiet. What had Josh done?

Then I heard it the rotating blades of the drone. My drone. Rescue had been despatched. But the drone was only meant to be a part of it. It explained why the camp was quiet though. I had accessoried my drone with sleeping draughts gassed up and compacted into cylinder missiles. Just one of the few gadgets I had been working on my spare time since returning from that awful trip to retrieve my brother.

The gadgets must have detonated. How did Josh miss its effect? I was supposed to have been conscious to alert him when the count down from ten drew near. Everything had been timed to perfection. Everything except our ride out of here it seemed. But then I heard it the sound of chopperblades rotating the air. Closing in.

I looked to Josh who stood staring at that direction too.

"My things. I need to collect them back," I said simply. I was not about to leave behind thousands of dollars worth of sensitive spy equipment and..

"I've already got it," he said mildly pointing to a pile of equipment in a dark corner.

"You went to retrieve that before you came for me?" I asked incredulously.

"You were sleeping," he said with a mild shrug.

Then he tensed. "That's not one of ours."

I peered through the darkness wondering how he could tell and then I saw it. "No that's one of mine."

I felt my heart bounce with joy as the white and red chopper with the clear insignia of the church closed in the distance and then settled to land in the clearing ahead.


I ran. Forgetting where I was and whom I was with... I just ran towards the chopper before the door even openned and then he was there sweeping me into a bear hug. I was squezed, spun around and then told hurriedly to get in. Cody went forward to help Josh load up and then we heard it. The cavalry had arived.

Buckled in Cody took us up so that the other chopper could land and wrap things up here. I quickly grabbed at my precious bags and dug around for my computer. Logging in I set my drone to return back home. No way was I letting the military to confiscate my equipment as their own.

Then we were off.

"Why the delay?" I asked Cody. For the plan I had set up appeared fail proof to me. Only it apparently wasn't for here we sat in a chopper belonging to the church if all things.

"The company you booked your chopper with did not have any on hand at that time. So I couldn't just drive to the hanger and hop on one ready to go. I had to arrange for my own transport here. This old thing was available but I had to have it fuel up first.

"What about the military? They were late because..?" I prompted questioningly.

"Paperwork most likely. They had to bribe their way into this airspace first," Josh answered instead.

I leaned back into my seat happily accepting the bottled water Josh passed on to me. I didn't want to count my chickens before we actually landed back at home base but I couldn't help the silly grin that had split my face wide.

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