The end

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Quite surprisingly. I did not spend a sleepless night. After Cody's faithful departure I had simply switched to autodrive. Operating without thought. I hadn't even winced at the dishevelled and plain disgusting sight I reflected in the mirror.

I didn't care. I couldn't care. So I washed up and then tucked myself into bed before closing my eyes and catapulting into the deepest recesses of sleep.

So I woke up the next morning utterly refreshed. I dragged on a battered pair og old jeans and pulled on an equally well worn t-shirt. My hair I twisted up into a bun. I settled on the bridge of my nose a new pair of glasses. Looking at my reflection I decided it was time I found the guts to take on lasik and do away with glasses altogether. They were more work than required.

I collected a few gadgets I would be needing and  a few more to thinker with in my spare time. I was trying for a palm sized hair folical remover. Its my upteenth attempt but I have not given up hope over the possibility of a painless hair removal process. Just as I have not given up hope over Cody and I... someday.

Or I and any guy at all... someday.

The one thing I have learned if I have learnt anything at all over all these near brushes with death was that I did not want to die a virgin. I didn't want to die pining over Cody either but knowing that he was equally pining for me made that bit a little more palatable.

I walked into office well past mid-day. The day was half gone but I didn't think my presence would be missed.

I was wrong.

"Jenny Stevens! In my office now."

The summons of the boss could not be missed. Nor could the absence of most of the team. I felt bad then for abandoning my post to scurry on home. I thought then that this was it. I would bw given the boot.

I shrugged my shoulders pretending indifference and marched on to his office and took a seat before his desk .

Without a word he closed the door behind us then a piece of paper was slammed down in front of me.

I peered down at it anxiously to note it was addressed to me and it was my enrolment into boot camp. I stared uncomprehendingly up at the boss.

He leaned back against the desk then bent forward using his arms to cage me in my chair. I leaned back aghast.

"This here  is your ticket to improvement. By the  you're through this camp you will be a walking, talking, fighting machine. You will be a full fledged covert opperative and most importantly you will be able to hold your own in any situation," he snarled into my face. I stared back at him shocked.

"Now, normally," he leaned back then to cross his arms and survey me contemplatively," normally we're looking at a three month period for booth camp. For most new recruits into our unit this is just a refresher to what they already know but for you everything will be new. And most importantly," he paused there to lift up my punny arm and let flop back down beside me," it will build these here twigs into something worthy to contend with."

He got up abruptly and went back to sit behind his desk dismissively before saying," You will require at least nine months if not more. Close the door on your way out and be sure to clear your desk by end of the day. Your camp starts tomorrow. Take that with you."

I looked down at the sheet of paper clutched in my hands and knew a sense of satisfaction. Afterall I have been through boot camp would be a cinch. I was in. I was finally officially in the team. I beamed up a brilliant smile at him and was rewards with his swears and cusses and then I happily rose to follow his bidding and let myself out. Quietly clising the door behind him I heaved a sigh of relief.

Then I went to pack up and empty my desk. This nine months would exactly what I needed. Away from the office and away from everything that reminds me of Cody. I would be addressing my weaknesses and when I returned I would be the stronger for it.

When I returned, I would no longer be a rookie but someone to contemplate as a worthy adversary. I would be the one garnering awe and respect.

This camp was everything I needed and more.

I took a final look about my desk then left as I came in... quietly and unnoticed.

But when I returned... well that is left to be seen.

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