Chapter 13

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"God if you really exist and if you are listening to ...well, me...please, send your emissary, Cody, down here to save me."

I was out of options and so trying to talk god into helping me out seemed as likely an option as anything else, really. I got off my hind and dusted off the dirt then decided to scout around on foot. There must be something or someone out here.

I trudged along the road I had been heading on, going forwards for I already knew not much lay behind at least nothing that wasn't hours away. Damn Caldwell and his desire to stay hidden from the law.

I walked along the silent path and decided to try esp, extra sensory projection. It was fiction but then so were a lot of things, that didn't mean it couldn't be real. I was already loosing my mind and I only just got stranded. I didn't see how much longer I could last without freaking totally out of my mind.

"Earth to Cody! Earth to Cody! Can you read me?"

It had been Cody that saved me in the past when I returned home from college to find my mother dead and burried and my family gone for good. I had ran to the local church and cried into the confession box. Cried to Cody. He'd saved me then....and has been my pillar of support since. Moving in with him had been fate's way of pairing off two lost souls. Although that equation didn't quite measure up since its only my soul thats been a little lost. But I had a suspicion Cody wasn't all he seemed to be either.

"Mayday mayday, can someone send fucking help on the way!"

I knew talking to myself wasn't going to help but it was comforting to hear my voice out loud. It bolstered my courage...a little.

I walked on resisting the urge to run back to my jeep. The jeep even stuck in mud as it was offered some sense of security. An evidence that civilisation existed and was not a mere figment of my imagination. I was not girl scout material. Living in the wilderness had all the makings of a real horror flick to me. I needed my constant connection to the world. My link with the web. The circuitry that connected humans together.

I wrapped my arms tightly about my waist and trudged on further thinking of the damn clue that led me out here.

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