Chapter 24

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"I think we all have plenty to go on for now. Intel will keep us posted with new information. You all know what we have to do," with those dismissive words the meeting was adjourned. I got up with the rest if them feeling more than a little dismayed by the turn. Obviously we'd all been allocated tasks by the chief. I just wondered what mine had been.

Cody was right. I am so not cut out for this kind of thing. I went back to my desk head bent trying not to stare at anyone in the eyes. I didn't want anyone knowing I was a failure until I had proven without a shadow of doubt that I really was.

"You weren't paying attention." I jumped and turned to face my tired looking chief. I opened my mouth but had no viable excuse.

"In my office, now."

I groaned. Was this it? Would I be given the boot on my very first day?

I trudged along unhappily behind his rapidly moving form. The man was a bundle of energy. His movements were precise and aggressive. He screamed danger with every gesture. And here I was walking meekly behind him like a lamb off to her slaughter. I only hoped he'd be nice going about it. I stepped in behind the lion and watched with brimming apprehension as the door slammed shut effectively caging me in.


I sat.

"Now, I know you are still new.. but I will not tolerate your disinterest. I realise that meeting must have been unbearably long for you. Afterall, we have had staff of your calibre in the past," the chief said

It sounded almost final and that made me ask.

"So what happened to him?"


There was utter silence during which I swore I heard my heart beat in my ears.

"Just kidding. He retired at a nice ripe old age. I couldn't say if you will get to enjoy the same though. You have been inattentive. A disorder perhaps? One deliberately kept off your file for instance?" The chiefs suggestive tones was irksome.

"I do not have an attention deficit disorder. I was merely engrossed in research. That does sometime happen when my interest is triggered. The subject matter being discussed certainly was. I apologise that it happened during that meeting. I will be sure to leave my androids away from all future meetings," I said firmly.

The chiefs piercing stare was just that. I felt sure if I down a glass of water just now it would squirt out through the two point holes dead centre in my retina. I tore my gaze away from his feelings like he'd read all my secrets already.

"Welcome to the covert opps. Josh will brief you in on what you missed out," he said finally, dismissively. I rose immediately eager to get out. But he called me at the door.

"Yes?" I said quietly.

"Give your hubby a kiss from me." The chief dropped me an outrageous wink that sent me scrambling out the door.

I didn't get his parting remark but then on seeing Josh slowly making his way towards me. I got the joke.

Still, I don't think I will ever really know what made me do what I did next.

Josh stopped before me,"So how'd it go?" he asked nodding towards the chief's door.

"He said you'd brief me on what I'd missed out," I muttered softly, still a little shaken about the visit with the chief. He did afterall have a charismatic personality.

Josh chuckled and shook his head at me as if to say how could you.

I lifted myself onto tiptoes and clasped his face between the palm of my hands before I leaned forward to press a sweetly soft kiss on his lips.

"He also said to give my hubby a kiss," I whispered breathlessly.

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