45. Reprimand

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45. Reprimand

Fuuta, regarding Rankings. (ft I-Pin, Lambo and Reborn)

"Hey, Fuuta, what's that?" Lambo spoke up in his usual childish curiousity tone, "That's a huuuge book!"

Fuuta looked up from his book, turning towards the cow child. Smiling at the younger he replied cheerfully. "It's my ranking book!" he explained. He lifts it up slightly to show the cow child the dark red cover of the huge book he fits into his shirt pocket.

"Ooh! But why?"

Fuuta chuckles at the pestering-child tone Lambo uses. "I'm just looking through my old rankings for revision." he told Lambo, "There might be something in here that's interesting, right?"

"Then me too!" Lambo declares, "Lambo wants to look at Lambo's awesome ranks!" he giggled, leaping to the crook of the boy's arms and looking at the book from over there, "Lambo-san will join you!"

Fuuta giggles. "Sure!"


Lambo settled down at Fuuta's lap and they began to read the rankings, going through each and everything that seemed interesting. Occasionally, Lambo would ask weird questions, and Fuuta would patiently provide an answer for each of them.

"Then, what's the Bovino Family good at?" Lambo spoke up, interested now.

"Bovino Famiglia?" Fuuta questioned, lifting the pages over as he searched for the name. He paused at a certain page, "Hmm, the most notable one would be..." he scanned through the list quickly, "it's 12th of all mafia Families with advancements in their scientific inventions!"

"Is that something great?"

"Yes!" Fuuta's mouth was hanging agape, "That's an incredible ranking for such a minor Family, Lambo!" he awed, "Oh, doesn't that mean the ten-year bazooka is possible one of the greatest inventions of the universe? And you're just casually using it all the time?"

"But buttt, Lambo-san doesn't know aaaanythin'." he was using the slurry, bored-of-this tone, "Lambo-san's a kid, so I don't needa answer hard questions."

Fuuta was taken aback. Well, he really didn't expect Lambo's Family to be this much of a deal, but Lambo's attitude towards it is even more surprising.

"AAnyway," Lambo declared, jumping onto the book and point at one list on the other page, "What's this, Fuuta?"

Fuuta turned his attention back to the book. "Oh, that's-" he started, but stopped for a second as his eyes softened, "This is... Ninomiya Rei-san's ranking."

"Rei?" Lambo asked, "WOo, Fuuta, I wanna know Rei's ranks!"

"I-pin want know too!" the girl suddely chimed in, suddenly making her presence known beside them.

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