『 Dying of Asphyxiation was seriously not my goal in life. 』
Neither was meeting a Governor of the Afterlife and getting sent to another world for a second chance at life.
Drew was assaulted by a group of men for reasons she didn't understand. Drown...
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8. Timeskip
My arm emerged from under the blankets and searched for the alarm clock on my bedside table. I pressed the button, then I dragged myself up from the bed.
It was morning, I get it. But does this alarm clock have to ring like the apocalypse every day? I stretched, yawned, and tried not to fall back asleep.
I walked towards the mirror--my hair was in a gravity-defying mess, and there were bags under my eyes from lack of sleep--oh well, whatever.
I'll go wash my face.
The door suddenly opened--there was no knock or anything, it just opened--and a girl came dashing in, making a sharp turn then pouncing at me.
I ended up losing my balance and falling to the floor. The girl was fully dressed in her school uniform, although her long black hair was left untied.
"Rei-chan fell for it again!" my dear little sister Sae laughs again, lying on her stomach comfortably, on top of me.
"Sae, Rei-chan's gonna die one day because of this, y'know." I say, trying to recover from hitting my head on the carpet. I chuckled lightly.
"Noope! Rei-chan's immortal, after all!" she insisted.
Another girl peeked in from the door. She was in the same state as me--bedhead and half-asleep--so she didn't pounce on me like her sister. "Sae, breakfast." she simply said.
Sae jumped up, "Oops! I'm on duty!" and she disappeared downstairs.
I sat up, sighing. "Good morning, Sui." I greeted, noticing Sui was still standing at the door. I stood up, ruffling my hair so it at least obeyed the laws of gravity.
Sui smiled, stepping into a hug. "Good morning, Rei." she said softly.
I fixed my tie, looking into the mirror one last time. My bangs were long enough to cover one eye, so I usually brushed them aside and clipped them up. Picking up my precious hair clips from the little box I first received them in, I pinned my hair up.
I grabbed my school bag and headed downstairs.
"Breakfast?" I ask, turning into the kitchen.
"Egg on toast," Sae said, "cause there's nothing in the fridge."
I spotted Dad dead (not literally) on the sofa. I chuckle lightly--he got called over to Tokyo late last night so he probably got back early in the morning. Sui, who had already finished breakfast was putting a blanket over him and a cup of water on the table.
I gobbled up my food in about five bites. Sae washed the dishes as I began fixing Sui's hair. As usual, these two didn't like anyone else doing up their hair.