112. Identity

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112. Identity

Tsuna and Takeshi tensed-- but it wasn't hard to tell that they were already aware. They looked alarmed-- but not surprised. Gokudera looked taken aback-- Kunomasu and Amano looked confused.

Pulling her legs to her chest, Drew sighed. Was she really that bad at acting?

Lifting her gaze to the older man, Drew cracked a smile as she realized Yuuichirou was fuming.


Tapping letters in the small mobile keyboard that substituted for the pen and paper they didn't have, she didn't know what to think.

I don't know where Rei is.

This would be the fifth time she answered this question.

Seeing no progress-- Yuuichirou was ready to snap. "Then," he grunted, his voice near murderous as he stressed his words in frustration, "What are you?"

It hurt to be on the receiving end of such anger.

He always looked at Rei kindly-- so why?

Evidently, because Drew was not Rei.

I don't know what I am.

Leaning back against the head board, Drew could only smile sadly back. Her eyes stuck in the same, unreadable way Zen taught her to when she was bothered. Threatened. Disturbed.

"Why are you here?"

The next question was asked by Tsuna himself.

Eyes darting toward Tsuna-- Drew could only give a hesitant chuckle. Why am I here, she thought. How many times will she have to dwell on that irritatingly undesirable fact?

The dark chuckling sent shivers down the brunet's spine, and he shrunk away, not daring to ask another question.

Why am I here, she repeated in her mind. I'm not supposed to be here. I'm not Rei, after all, what have I been doing all this time, settling down quietly in his mind? She didn't speak it out. I'm not Rei, why do I keep pretending I still have anything to do with Rei?

"Is my son... alive?" Yuuichirou spoke up again, his expression was darker than before. He had been unamused so far, and no answer had explained much more.

Because otherwise, why would Drew be here?

Tilting her head slightly aside, Drew smiled ghastly, eyeing him with a gaze slightly condescending-- as if a taunt of 'I wonder?'

It seemed that was the last straw for Yuuichirou.

His hand reached out quickly, a fist curling around the collar of Rei's hospital garb. Lifting the child a little off the bed-- he began to say something.

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