21. Found

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21. Found

We were nearing the shopping street now, having run the whole way from my house.

Then suddenly, my world froze over for half a second. My face fell into a frown and I stopped running.

"Hm?" Tsuna was confused, "Rei-san?" he asked, probably wondering why I stopped.

"Let's split up here. I think we'll find them easier like that." I told him, a smile on my face. At this point, we were at the entrance of the shopping street. "I'm head down the left, Tsuna-kun and Reborn-kun, down the right?" I suggest.

Thankfully, Reborn leaped off my head and to Tsuna's instead. It seems they were fine with the suggestion. "Then-" Tsuna said, "I'll call you when we find them."

I nodded. I turned around the same time he did, and we parted ways. But almost immediately, I turned into the next alley I passed by.

My legs stopped. My body fell heavily against the wall and my knees gave way.

I had a coughing fit, and only the desperate need of oxygen made me stop for half a second before I started up again. I coughed into my hand over and over- and slowly, the hacking grew more painful.

When I finally, finally stopped, I was exhausted.

I felt like I'd been coughing for an eternity, and I was breathing heavily. I shifted my position and leaned my back against the wall.

I was covered in sweat.


I wiped away the sweat on my forehead with the back of my hand.

I picked myself up, the wall a support I needed as my legs gradually stopped shaking and stabilized me like they were supposed to.

"I need to look for the girls... and Lambo and I-pin." I reminded myself.

This isn't the time to be worrying over my stupid lung. The children were lost, and everyone else is looking for them now. I shouldn't be adding onto their list of worries.

I shook negative thoughts out of my head and brought a smile to my face.

"Now I gotta look for the kids."

I stepped out of the alley and back into the street.



"You found them?" I spoke, unable to suppress the surprise in my voice.

"Yeah. We're where we started. Y'know, the cotton candy vendor's place-"

"I'm near. I'll be there in a sec." I replied, hanging up quickly.

I didn't cough again after that, but my knees felt weak. My throat burned even though I drank water, and my head began to hurt. But still, I was looking around the shopping street, making my way around desperately, searching for signs of the kids.

Something is wrong with my lungs- and it's not good. I've been able to ignore it the past few weeks, but eventually it's gonna get worse. This is such a pain!

I slapped myself out of those thoughts. Snap out of it, Rei. Be happy. Smile. Be 'Rei'.


"Rei-chan!" Sae and Sui ran over to me the moment I emerged from the crowd.

"Sae, Sui!" I called, crouching down to their height and wrapping my arms around the girls. They were all teary eyed and latched onto me instantly.

"Rei-chan, sorry!" Sae cried.

I patted them on the head soothingly, whispering 'there, there' in an attempt to calm them down. Dearie me, my girls were such crybabies sometimes...

"Apparently, their money was stolen so Lambo and I-pin gave chase." Takeshi gave me a report, a nervous smile on his face, "Then Sae and Sui ran after them and well, they got lost."

"So basically, the stupid cow's the cause of all this." Gokudera groaned. "We got the money back somehow, though." he was holding an amount of cash in his hands and handed it to me.

"I see..." I say, "Thanks for finding them for me," I smile as genuinely as I could, "And for getting the money back."

I sent a look towards Lambo and I-pin.

Tsuna shoved the two towards me. "C'mon, you two, go up to Rei-san." he nudged, giving them a serious eye and sending them towards me. The kids did as told, but one of them didn't get the point of apology.

Lambo laughed, "Rei, Lambo-san defeated the robbers!" he declared.

"I-pin sorry." she said. At least this one seemed apologetic.

I sighed. "Nevertheless, next time, don't chase after them, I-pin." I scolded in Chinese, "Just come back and I'll give you some more money, alright? No chasing after robbers! It's dangerous!"

I-pin looked down, giving a short nod in understanding.

"And Lambo!" I raised my voice, and the child stood up straight on alert. "No grape candy for you!" I declared.

"EHHH??" he freaked out, "Wait, Lambo-san is sorry too! Grape candddyy!"

I turned away from him. "Sae and Sui, stop crying!" I scolded the girls, who quickly stood up on alert as well, "Next time you get lost, you run to any of the shopkeepers, and they should know my name and where our house is."

"Yes..." the two pouted.

I stood up and walked towards my three classmates, Reborn and Nana. I bowed lowly. "Once again, I'm really sorry for the trouble today!" I say, "I guess I'm not much of a good babysitter." I chuckle at that, "Thanks so much for helping me out."

I got kicked in the face by Reborn.

"Rei, you're being too formal." he mumbled, sounding offended.

"Eh?" I question.

"Yeah, you make us sound like strangers!" Takeshi chimed in, "Aren't we your friends?"

"It's suffocating," Gokudera said, "Stop it."

"Th-They're right, Rei-san." Tsuna spoke up, "I think speaking casually is alright with us. And well, Lambo and I-pin were involved so it's alright! Really!" he tried to assure me, "And it's probably Reborn's fault for throwing the two on you when you definitely have your hands full of your sisters-"

"Are you blaming me, Dame-Tsuna?"

"Wha- Wait, no! Don't shoot!"

It was such- a warm scene. Friendship. Was this acceptance? Was I apart of them now? It felt amazing- much much more than I thought it would be.

It made me chuckle. And I ended up laughing.

The three turned to me, and they burst into laughter too.

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