57. Celebration

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57. Celebration

Anticlimatic. That's how the Varia Arc felt. Incomplete; Missing; Unfulfilled; Could've gone better; Could've seen more. 

I thought I was satisfied, but nope. I wanted to see more of the batttlleeeeeeeee

Rolling about on the carpet left and right and clutching a shark pillow in my arms, I stopped, and then I sighed. 

Seeing my moody tantrum didn't seem to alarm Takeshi much. "What's wrong, Rei?" Takeshi, who sat on the other end of the table asked, sipping calmly on some tea.

"I'm feeling emo, leave me alone." I whine.

Takeshi laughed. "Why so depressed all of a sudden?" 

"Takeshi, you wouldn't understand." I pouted, burying my face into the carpet, "Takeshi's supposed to be the eternal happy-go-lucky baseball nut after all."

"Eternal happy-go-lucky baseball nut?" Takeshi chuckled at the long name, "Well, better happy than sad no? Or would you rather me be a little less cheerful?"

He rested his chin on one arm, looking at me with those oh-so sweet, oh-so gentle eyes-- ones that weren't overly brimming with joy-- and his lips were in only a very slight curve. It was Takeshi's neutral face-- the one that was neither happy not sad.

I smiled back. "You're fine as you usually are."

Takeshi's neutral face belongs to me, after all.



Throwing about three pills into my mouth, I drank a large gulp of water and swallowed it all. Then I downed the rest of the water in the glass.

Breathing out as if a sigh, I flinched as I heard footsteps behind me. 

Fumbling around for the canister, I managed to tuck it into the cutlery drawer before Sae zoomed in and leaped into a good morning hug.

"Good morning!" she declared.

Sui followed after in hurried steps, joining the hug with a soft and shy "Good morning."

Chuckling, I ushered them to sit down as I prepared breakfast. 

I'm not sure why I didn't tell them about the capsule in the drawer.


It was easy for us to return to our daily lives even just a day after crazy things occurred. 

So easy.

It wasn't a cold day. It wasn't a cold day, and yet I find myself tucking myself into my jacket again. Pulling the black wristband over my left wrist, I swipe my bangs into their place over my eyes and practiced a smile in the mirror. Rubbing the Void Ring on my finger, I raised my left wrist to my forehead.

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