22. Household

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22. Household

"And then, Lambo-san got blown away again..." Lambo sniffed, on the verge of crying, his eyes teary and his nose all stuffed.

I chuckled. Lambo was in my arms, like a doll, and he was whining about his failures again. He's been complaining since I accidentally saw him in the infirmary, and I've skipped the rest of class.

I took out a tissue and had him blow his nose.

"Well, Lambo-kun," I hug him tighter, "I'm sure you'll get stronger! And one day, you'll finally beat Reborn-kun. I know you will!" I assure him.

(Though, Lambo may probably never get stronger than Reborn.)

"Of course! Lambo-san will definitely defeat Reborn!" the cow child cheered up quickly, making a declaration.

Suddenly, he was kicked in the face.

"Who are you gonna defeat, stupid cow?" Reborn intervened, jumping to my head after landing the kick.

"Reborn, you bastard!" Lambo yelled, "I'll-" he picked out a grenade, pulling out the pin and- found out the grenade was stuck on his hand with some sort of glue. It exploded at his face, luckily not hitting mine, and the cow child was left baffled.

And so, Lambo began crying again.

I sighed. It took me so long to make him stop crying!


"Only members of the Sawada Residence may enter from this point on."

Getting stopped from entering my friend's house in such a threatened way was a first. I'm not sure which was more surprising- the fact that I wasn't allowed passage; I wasn't informed of this horde of men in black; or the fact that all of them were glaring at me now.

Ah- I remember now. If there's so many people, this must be Dino.

"Rei, who are they?" Lambo asked, in my arms. He was just being oblivious as usual, and I wouldn't be surprised if he jumped out and started declaring war.

I hugged Lambo tighter. "Uh," I spoke up, "I'm Tsuna-kun's friend..." I tried. Would they let me in with that? If they didn't, would they kick me out?

"Are you a part of the Famiglia?" they questioned, an eyebrow raised.

"I was invited, I guess..." I mumbled.

"Lambo-san sees Reborn!" Lambo pointed at Tsuna's window, jumped out of my arms, and ran past the men in black and into the household.

"Stop!" the men yelled, "Stop that child!"

Weapons were drawn and- I dashed forward, my hand grabbing the wrist of the man nearest to Lambo before his gun was completely drawn.

"Wait, wait, WAIT!" I raised my voice, "I'm sorry but-" Guns were instantly raised and pointed at me, but I tried not to waver as I heard the guns clocking. I gulped. "That kid lives there." I said as quickly as I could, unintentionally swallowing my words, "He lives here."

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