104. Seclude

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104. Seclude

"Why do you still desire to fight?"

Night Flames extinguished over and over, Drew was unable to stand. Rei's body was battered, bloody, shattered and in pain. Bones were fractured, she knew-- but she didn't want to give up. 

She couldn't even force herself up. 

And no matter how hard she willed it, no Night Flames were willing to show for her.

Sprawled over the ground, she couldn't even grunt in annoyance. Hell, the tired was reverberating through every bit of her senses. Her eyes didn't even turn to look the Vindice in the eye.

She was empty.

She had no words-- and deep down she had to admit. It was evident that all hope was lost. She could no longer stand for herself. For Rei.

It was despair. Hopelessness--

No, not quite. Yamamoto and Tsuna would soon come to save Rei if they could. They definitely would. They can get Rei out of here.

But where would that leave Drew?

"But I truly am curious," Jager spoke up, catching Drew's attention. "What exactly are you, that you have gotten knowledge of these Flames?"

Drew wanted to laugh, but she couldn't make a sound. So she stretched her lips into a smile.

Seeing that response, Jager could only sigh. Crouching down, the man eyed Rei-- forlornly, with pity? Or was it a knowing gaze? Drew could tell, but it sent a wave of confusion down her senses. 

"I once met a man like you." This really caught Drew off guard. "A hundred and more years ago-- it was about the reign of Vongola Terzo. This man-- he didn't have those flames, but he knew." 

With all her strength, Drew dragged Rei's body up slightly, lifting her head to face the Vindice with interest. 

"He was a criminal we had to catch. Come to think of it-- he had hair your shade. That light, unnatural shade of sand." Jager mused, "I've forgotten his name at this point."

Hair... colour?

Yuuichirou, Sae and Sui had black hair. Who did Rei get his brown hair from? 

"The instant we appeared-- his face was filled with joy."

"Well, he must've been messed." Drew spoke impulsively, and was surprised to find a voice. She smirked, a chuckle escaping her lips.

Jager simply nodded in response. "He told us he had been waiting for us. Doing all he could for the sake of meeting us."

Drew found it beyond odd. Why would anyone want that? The Vindice were wardens. Meeting them would spell death by imprisonment.

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