Chapter 7: No.1

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dedicated to:noehen for helping me know what writing is in some forms! And if you see this I LOVE your books!! Make sure to check her out!!
I also just love Steven Universe so yeah comment on what you gem you think you are!!


          I woke up from my nap cautious of my surroundings because if what happened this afternoon. I walked downstairs and the fire alarms went off. I went into the kitchen and saw Max was cooking Mac and cheese.

      The boiling water was pouring over the top if the pot and I yelled for Max. He came out of the bathroom and looked over ate giving him the stink eye. He looked down and I turned off the fire alarms.

          "Really." I said after I turned off the fire alarms.


          "You know your going to clean this up right? Because I'm not." I said. He started cleaning the dishes and had the water cold which got on my nerves. I went over to Max and turned the water hot. "It gets rid of the germs easier Max. No need to throw a fit." Max smirked and went back to cleaning everything up.

            I went outside and took my clothes off behind a tree so I could shift. I shifted into my red wolf and ran far away from the pack house. I let the breeze go through my fur and the swiftness of my paws hitting to ground hard. I looked at my surroundings and found a watering hole.

            I walked over to the water hole and started drinking the water. I was careful not to step over the Western Woods border when I drank. I started running back through the woods to the pack house when I heard a rustle in the bushes.

                 I stopped running and silenced my breathing. I turned my head sharply and looked at the bushes. A soft looking bunny came out and I sighed in relief. I kept on running toward the pack house.

            When I reached my tree I shifted back to my human form and put my clothes on. I walked in the front door and saw Max walking frantically around the place. I looked at Max worryingly and caught his eyes.

              He walked over to me and squeezed me tight. I looked up at him confused and he just kept on hugging me.

           "I thought I lost you Belliana. You were out for like fifteen minutes." I scoffed and he looked down at me in anger. "Go to your room Belliana." I started walking away to the stairs and up to my room.

             I quietly closed my door to my room and got out a book from my bookshelf. I read until I got sleepy snuggled under my sheets and slept.


            BELLO!!! It's me ally!! If you haven't gotten a chance make sure to check out my new contest. I also want to say sorry for this very short chapter!! Bye!!!!

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