Who Knew?

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  "'I want you, America,' he murmured into my ear. 'I want you to be mine alone. And I want to give you everything.' His lips kissed their way across my cheek, stopping at the corner of my mouth. 'I want to give you things you didn't know you wanted.'"  

(This is where we left off in The One, but America's father's tragic death interrupted Maxerica. So in this story, America's father is still alive. That also means that Clarkson will also be alive. Hope you enjoy)!

America POV

"Maxon! I yelled at him with a slight grin.

"What? You better stop me now before I continue!" he says. Scolding me but in a childish way. "I can't guarantee that I'll stop after I start." Saying all that in between kisses. 

I gave a warning look at him. He seemed to back off for now, but some part of me wanted him to continue. 

"You were saying" I spoke quietly, gesturing for him to start talking again. 

"Words can be taken in different tones, allow me to show you what I mean".  He whispered in my ear. 

Ugh! He's so cute right now! There's no way I can stop it without him feeling bad. Let's see how this plays out before I stop anything. 

Maxon grabbed my dress and moved it to the side. Trying to be as smooth as possible in his own little way. Which I thought to myself was kinda cute. Maxon's kisses were something brought from heaven. They were so soft and pure, yet regal and full of power. 

"Maxon.... I don't think I can do this." I said with obvious worry plastered all over my face. 

"Do what, love?" He looked me straight in the eye. 

"This!" I yelled. "Nothing in the world is more confusing right now!" This time I yelled louder. 

Maxon reached out for my leg and soothed it. 

"Honey, I never meant for you to feel that way, but I want you. I don't know what kind of "want" it is, but it's more of an essential now. I need to feel your lips, knowing that they belong to me and only me. I need to have your sarcasm with me at all times. I feel as if with the other girls, they want only professionalism. I feel that to them, I'm their king, they're superior.  When I'm with you America, I'm who ever I want myself to be. I can be whoever you accept me to be. I can be whoever I've always wanted to be. No royalty, no Selection, no other girls. Just you, me, and this bed." He said, looking me dead in the eye. 

I could tell he poured his heart into this, some parts seemed rehearsed, but that didn't seem like such a bad thing to me. 

Maxon wants me. I kinda teared up a bit, but he fixed that for me by taking the blanket and gently brushed it across my face. Taking care of my light foundation and mascara so to becoming ruined because of that amazing, heartfelt speech. 

"America" He whispered. "I need to make it up for you. For giving me such joy, such pleasure I didn't at all expects from this Selection. Please. I wanna make it up to you, but you said yourself that you can't be sure of my love to Kriss if she's here. America, to me your so much more than love to me. You're the joy I look forward to each and every day. When I'm in the meeting room with advisors chatting vigorously about the stuff that father won't include me in, the first thing I think about is you. America. Please" He said almost begging me.

Oh no. Another heartfelt speech. I'm such a sap, but when it comes to Maxon. Can you blame me? 

"Fine," I said, finally giving in. Yet smiling to see what the future would bring us.

"Good, because I intend to give you things you've never imagined before. I want to give you things you didn't know you wanted till now. I want a life with you America. I would marry you now in a heartbeat if you gave me the chance."He whispered in my ear.

Ugh Maxon, stop being so adorable.

 I figured, in the end, I wanted this too.

"Maxon, darling, I need to breathe." I said not being able to get oxygen through the kisses he has been giving me up and down my head. 

"Dear, I need you more than I need air to breathe. I may never get to do this because of father." I understood and went back into my dreamland.

I never thought that this would be my dreamland. The Maxon Schreave, The Prince of Illea. All mine. I quite enjoyed it too.

Maxon took off my dress, and I took off his shirt. During the presentation, I never thought I would see those abs this soon, but I'm glad I did. 

It was a long night, but to recap, let's just say we've had our share in fun. Now everything felt right. I felt right where I was supposed to. With Maxon.

I looked at the clock, 2:16. Better get some sleep. I raced over to my room downstairs, careful not to make eye contact with any guards. They would just assume I was a maid. I felt alive. I felt complete.

Maxerica: That One BulletWhere stories live. Discover now