Time Flies

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It's almost 3, but I still can't sleep. I don't know who to choose. Aspen, who has been there for me time and time again. Or the person who has done everything for me, and still be sarcastic to me. My choices aren't based on that I slept with Maxon, but hopefully, no one needs to hear about that.

"Woah" I whispered, not talking to anyone but myself.

I sat up too quickly and now my head feels like a tornado. I close my eyes and shake it off. See if I can do something to make me more tired. Ugh never mind, might as well go think about my two love choices. 

"Lady America! You're going to be late for Lunch!" my maids shouted at me. Particularly, Anne. 

"Lunch?" I groaned. There was not a moment I thought about getting out of bed and starting my day now that Maxon and I had our "Meet up". 

"Yes, Lady America. Now come on, all the girls are awake. I told the royal family that your arm was sore and you were so tired." They explained. 

Honestly, that story was completely true, but Anne didn't need to know the details of why.

I slipped on a dark red dress. Closer to burgundy, and headed off. All my secrets that I kept, shall remain secret. 

Ugh did I really say the word "Shall"? I'm spending way too much time with Maxon. Not that any of that would stop.

"Kriss, where are all the guards that were posted on our floor last night?" I asked trying to not seem suspicious. 

"I bet their all training. Remeber? It's Saturday". She said with confidence. 

"Wait a minute? Don't they train on Fridays? Isn't Saturday a rest day for the Guards?" I asked

"America." She started as if she was talking to a five-year-old. "If all the guards rested on Saturday, who would keep the Palace safe?" She responded sarcastically, but Annoyingly.

"Right," I said kinda feeling that stupid not to know any better, but silently cursing myself for not being able to stick up for myself. 

Silvia walked into the room with a white tuxedo. She seemed like she had important news as well.

"All the Elite, please gather here to receive your new assignment." She told us, and now I was even more nervous. 

"Elise and America and Kriss and Celeste". She said

I loved Elise, but she's so pushy and not the best to work with. 

"America, I need you to get right to this work". She said already in 10 seconds after Silvia announced the assignment. 

"What work?" I asked, hoping it wouldn't make me look as bad as I felt as I did. 

"America, come on did you even read the paper?" She questioned me. Now I knew she hated being partners with me. 

"We are in charge of food, wine, decorations and music for the reception for the wedding". She said slowly. Like explaining to a 3-year old that hitting is bad. 

"Elise I get it now". I said annoyingly as I started to walk up the stairs to my room

"Umm America, where do you think you're going?" She asked. I bet she wanted my full attention to this project to make it perfect. For the perfectionist she is. 


"What kind of cookies America? Chocolate chip or Macadamia nuts?" She said. I honestly doubt that she wanted my opinion in the first place.

"Chocolate chip. A favorite to everyone." I assumed. Probably a mistake on my part though.

"Ummm I'm lactose intolerant. Even something small as chocolate chips will make me sick" She said as if the world revolved around her. 

"Oh, sorry," I said feeling just a tiny bit bad but questioning why she even brought it as an option in the first place.  "Hey Elise, would it be okay if I left? I need to talk to someone."

"Ugh, okay fine. You need to come back though. We need to play the music and decorations at my wedding." Elise snipped back. 

Her wedding? 


I took off, saying that I needed to speak to someone.  To be honest, I just wanted to get away from her. Another moment with her again, I would have burst.  It was terrible, my stomach felt all queasy, uncomfortable, and I just felt like I need rest. Or a bathroom. 

"My lady?" Lucy said noticing me.

"Yes?" I whispered answered.

"Are you feeling ok?"

"Of course, I just feel sick. Nothing more."

"Allow me to get some medicine"

"NO!" I yelled at her. She was quite scared.

"Why not? You seem to be in pain right now."

"It's alright, I'm just tired. Please, get me a glass of water." 

"Of course."

The second she was gone, I was up against the toilet. Wishing someone was holding my hair up.

"Lady America?" Anne called.

"My Lady!?" Mary cried.

"I'm fine....."

"No, you aren't"

"Come, we're talking you to Doctor Ashlar."

"It's alright."

"I command you all to leave."

"But La-"

"You all may go now. Thank you for your caring attitudes," I said as they walked out. I felt terrible not being about to tell them.

Tommorrow night. I made myself a promise. 

I promise I will tell my maids everything that happened. 

Btw, if you're reading this the way it is right now, I changed it, It got wayyyy to cringy.

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