Chapter Three || Where we gonna go?

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"Ashton?" I started to ask for his attention.

"Yes?" Ashton was focused on me.

"Is it ok if I take a shower?" I asked lightly.

"Sure, I'll show you it." Ashton nodded.

"Okay thanks," I smiled as I grabbed my bag, with clothes and a little make-up.


"Hey, so where we gonna go?" I questioned as, played with my wet blonde hair.

"Well Ashton, has work." Michael stared at me as I tried putting my hair into a fishtail.

"We thought, you would like to go around town?" Luke grinned lightly.

"Sure why not?" I shrugged as I looked at Luke.


"See ya Ashton!" We all waved lightly, but Ashton pulled me back, embracing me with a hug.

"Good luck with Luke today," Ashton whispered into my ear, making me blush a little.

"What he say?" Luke pointed out, as a walked over to Calum, Michael and Luke.

"Nothing," I sighed lightly, trying to fight my nerves.

"Okay if you say so," Luke stared into my blue eyes. As Calum and Michael walked a head.

"Oh!" Calum yelled at a store, as Michael and Calum when in.

"Are they always like this?" I asked staking my head lightly.

"Yes," Luke chuckled lightly.

"So is this what you do ever weekend?" I stared at Luke's blonde hair.

"No, I usually stay home, with my ex." Luke frowned lightly.

"Luke, I know it's hard, but it takes time to forget someone, you loved." I slowly started at say.

"Did you remember that off of somewhere?" Luke chuckled.

"No," I sook my head lightly.

"Then why did you say that?" Luke stared down at me, as we stood a finger tip away.

"Luke, if you really knew me. You would understand why I am like this." I snapped back as him.

"What does that have to do with anything?" Luke raised an eye brow.

"What going on here?" I heard Michael say. As I stared walking ahead again, then to find Luke walking a few steps way from me.

"Do you think one of them is gonna fall in love with each soon?" Calum whispered behind me with Michael.

"I think already one of them has." Michael whispered back.

I knew one of them was right, but I hated it.


"No, I am gonna win!" Luke cried loudly, from the living room. As the three boys played Xbox.

"No, I am!" Calum yelled back.

"Mates it's way to out in front, I am gonna win." Michael said slowly.

"So where are you from?" Mrs. Hemmings asked me, as I offend to help her with dinner.

"I am from Canada the west side." I smiled lightly.

"It must be hard, moving away. Why did you move anyways?" She asked me lightly as she was cutting a vegetable.

"Yes, my mom had a job transfer." I shrugged a little.

"So how'd you meet the lads? Is one of them your boyfriend?" She spoke in a soft voice.

"No, I met Ashton first in grade twelve English." I smiled lightly as I was thinking about, the first time I met them.

"And how old are you?" she stopped cutting the vegetable.

"I am sixteen." I smiled at her.

"Your an intelligent, girl." She smiled lightly at me.

"The only problem I have to math." I shrugged, as I grabbed another vegetable.

"If you need help, in any class, I'll be will to help." As she offend me. As I nodded lightly.

"Kat, can I talk to you on outside?" Luke raised an eye brow.

As I walked over to follow Luke. I started to follow Luke out to the balcony.

"So what did you meant if you really knew me?" Luke's first words as we got out there.

"Luke, I am sorry. I really didn't mean it. It's just everything when so fast." I frowned as I leaned myself over the railing.

"I understand, I know how it feels, to be rushed off so fast with out knowing who's at the end." Luke nodded as he stared over my figure.

"Yea, I am just sorry about everything." I stared at his blue eyes.

"It's okay really." Luke nodded lightly.

"No it not," I sighed, staring at the drop.

"Yes it is." Luke frowned, as he started picking me up by the waist, and holding me there.

"Put me down, Luke Hemmings!" I yelled as him.

"Fine," He put me down. "What's wrong are you afraid?" Luke chuckled lightly, as I felt a tear slip out of the corner of my eye.

"Kat I am sorry I didn't mean too." Luke when down to me. "What's wrong?" Luke's voice was caring.

"It's just my guy friend used to do that, and he liked me. He was going to ask me out, then I moved." I started to ramble on.

"And were you going to say yes?" Luke raised an eye brow.

"No, one of my friends liked him. And if your wondering not my best friend." I put the words out.

Luke nodded with out any signs.

I started to think for a moment. But I am really glad to be here. I guess I didn't notice I was staring at Luke.

"And I am too." Luke smiled at me.

I guess I said it out loud.

As Luke wiped off one of the tears off my cheek. I felt my face going flushed, I notice Luke's go a little too.

"Lads dinner!" Luke's mom called out.


A/N: cute moments with Luke!!

I have been noticing everyone likes him, why can you guys like someone else?

JK but it would be nice to hear someone who like one of the
other lads, beside Luke.

Ps this freaking chapter deleted parts of it. Plus your welcome, I am thinking I am getting sick, gosh throat hurts, runny nose, headache. Your so damn lucky I finished it!

Anyway you know what to do - vote, comment, and share!

-Kat xxx

If you see this- I am skipping ahead.

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