chapter 9

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There's an old tale that says soul mates minds are connected from birth. When you can't sleep,your soul mate can't either. So next time you 're  laying awake,someone somewhere is lying awake too.

Playliat: It ain't me - kygo ft selena Gomez


I can't believe I cussed at him. I quickly apologized to him.

"Omg. Am sorry sir"

"Sorry,go get the files".

I leave his office to go retrieve the files. Moments later,I hand the files back to him and go to the reception.


"Hey u. You ready for lunch"

"Yeah. Let me just grab my coat,purse and phone"

I go back to my office to get my stuff. On my way out I meet Logan at the elevator.

"Heading out for lunch" I ask

"Yeah, you"

We get to the reception and call Zoey.We go to the cafeteria. We sit and wait for our food. I turn to Zoey

"You said Mr. Brown's fiancee was pregnant, but I didn't see any baby bump"

"That's because she is just two weeks along silly"

"Ok. But she doesn't seem friendly at all"

"Friendly" Logan scoffs."She is a bitch."

"So what does Mr. Brown see in her then" I questioned.

"They are not in love" Zoey answers


" Its an arranged marriage. Scarlett, Natalie,Riley,Anastasia,Jayden, Aiden and myself grew up together.  But as we grew older, Scarlett developed feelings for Aiden. Aiden was a ladies man at that time,sleeping around with any female. So he made a rule not to date his friends because he will just end up ruining their friendship. Scarlett was heart broken by that rule but did not give up. Instead she looked for means for it to happen. Then her dream came to pass. Aiden's little brother passed away and he was devastated. He got so drunk and woke up the next morning beside Scarlett. Some weeks later, Scarlett says she is pregnant. And they both come from respectable homes so something had to be done in order for their reputation not to be ruined.
So they had to get engaged quickly. Scarlett wants the wedding as soon as possible but Aiden is trying to move it far away."

"Woow, that explains a lot"

"A lot like" Logan asks

" Nothing" I say quickly. The look on Zoey's face told me she didn't believe it and that she will ask later. Our food comes and we quickly dig in. We finish and head back to the office. We leave Zoey at her desk and continue to our office. As we get to our offices and am about to go in, Logan calls out to me.



"Erm, your friend Shelby seems nice"

"Ooh you like her"


"You are blushing"

"No am not"

"Yes you are. And yeah I will introduce you"

"Thanks Hayley"

"Logan has a crush, Logan has aaaa Crush" I sing out loud"


I turn to see Mr. Brown standing a few feet away with a very angry expression.


I look at the screen of my phone and to my horror 32 missed calls.

"Am sorry sir my phone was on silent. So I  couldn't hear"

" YOU were busy getting cosy with him,how would you hear"


"See you around Sunshine" he says to me.

I turned to see Mr Brown dangerously looking at me.

"Is there anything I have to do for you,sir"

"Just shut up you slut. You have started sleeping around huh?. Sunshine". He sneered. With that turns and leave. I just stand there, shocked at what he just said to me. I go straight to my  office and cry my eyes out. He didn't call me again till it was closing hours and I was glad. I took my back and head to the ground floor to meet Zoey.

"Hey are you alright" she ask


"Stop lying to me. And earlier on , what did you mean by that statement"


"Well I have all day. When you ready to  talk then we go"

"Oh come on Zoey" I try to sweet talk her but it doesn't work. She doesn't budge. Ok fine. I tell her what happened at the club that night.

"So that explains the fight"

"What fight"

"After you left, Aiden and Scarlett got into a huge fight"



"I wonder what it as about. I feigned innocence"

"Don't bullshit me,because you know". And I think Aiden likes you"

"No he doesn't"

"Yes he does"

"If he did, why then did he call me a slut"

"He did what" Zoey screeches

I told her about it and she starts fuming.

"I am going up there to beat him up and give him a piece of my mind"

" no no no no, don't go"


"Let's just go home"

"Aaargh fine"

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