Chapter 23

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hey.. guys how are u all...?? hope fine sorry for late uploading.. but still.. so have a look to the recap......

recap: Swasan,romance & kavitha-Rahul back to their life....


SaMe dAy.... evening....

swara rush to SS.. as her school is over... hear San also eagerly wait for the meet to swara... 

swara was seating in a arm chair.... & thinking... what rahul told her in class..

(Flashback of class...)

rahul: swara.. plzz. can we talk..??
Sw:(first anger.. but 2nd remembered San's accident.. so) yes....but not for u.. its u who. save my husband.. so
rahul: thank u..  (they go for canteen.. & rag join them) swara.. wo...
Sw:(atti) look, Mr.Roy.. said what u want.. ?? I need to go home....
rahul: swara.. don't get me wrong plz.. am sorry for that day that I have to go.. leave u alone... am sorry for that.. & I knew.. for that.. I loose u forever....
Sw:p...a..(interpreted by rahul) let me completed..
Sw:(looks down)
rahul: & the way.. u love him.. respect him.. am seriously happy for both of u...  when  he told me.. that u told him everything... I was shock... but the way.  he respect u & support u.. am sorry for give u mental trauma...
Sw: (confused) what do u mean..???
rahul:(explain SR that hotel incident.)
Sw:(has a confidence on her face...& happy) yeah...  than..??
Rahul : am sorry.. for u  I'll applied for a transfer...
rag: swara.. we shall move now...
Sw:(nods in yes)

SR leave..(flashback end..)

swara:(monologue) San.. u don't wanna tell me.. about rahul & u are face to face... oh God.. why u love me so much....  & u Handel even lak-rahul fighting... thanks  a lot... snaskar Maheswari... thanks for loving me so much....

swara came out form her thought... with a door bell.... swara knew.. who's it.. she open the door with hurry....

& as  San in... swara hug him tightly.... San too.... it was a long hug.....  then swara broke the hug.. & speak...

Sw: sanskar.. app ander aao.. fresh hoo jao.. I'll make a cup of coffee...
San:(nods in yes.. becoz he don't want to spoil her mood)

@varanda after sometime..

swasan both was seating in arm chair..& a  hanging chair... & both sipping their coffee.....their was pin drop silence..... but both of their hearts are shouting....

San: swara...  now if u have time so can I say???
Sw:(lost in deep thoughts)
San:(sheake  her..) shona...??
Sw:(back ) haa.. snaky.. bollo..?? sorry..
San:(was touching her shoulder.. but his ear don't miss her pale voice) shona.... are u okk..???
Sw:(covers) haa.. sanskar.. am fine...
San:(he touch her forehead & panic) shona.. are u mad..?? u have fever... & u...??

san, took her in arms..& lay her on the bed...& covers her with blanket... he was panicking... & concerned....  he forgot everything.. he call laksh ...& raglak immediately enter to SS... & help San...

Sw:(hold his hand..) a..m.. fine.. san..s..k..a..r... plzz listen to me once....
San:(care) haa.shona..I'll...but now plz don't speaks too much....  plzz. dear.. plz.. ( he was like his life at risk..)
Sw:(was absorbed his care... & love with her eyes...)
but soon.. her vision gone dezy...

San was too shock..& became mad..  with her unconsciousness.... he start patti..
he collet some water..& use his fresh hanky..&  he wet the hanky & applied it on her forehead...  he was too much afrid... ragini was helping him...

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