Chapter 26

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hhhii.. guys.. hope you are not ready to beat me.....  sorry.. for separating our swasan... but.. don't worry at all.... so let's go & check.. what happen to swara.. she she all well...??? all when San back to India come to knew.. about any heartbreaking new... .. OK. let's look.....

recap: swara, find San's later.. & leave SS... & she become unconscious infront of a car......

AFTEr 3 MonThs....

in SS.. (balcony)  evening Tyme......

San was lostly look at the... say... "why swara... why u give me such, a big punishment.... I knew.. we both feeling same... & I overreacted... but the way u punished me... everyone believed that u are......"" (he can't utter a single wide)

he turn to his room....  look at the vermilion covered   divorced paper which he give her... and she returned him this way...

"I knew.. I was big idiot.. papa says right....  but u also treat me.. like this..... y don't u wait for me.. y.. swara y.. I crash myself to taking leave form office.. otherwise.  the day won't come in our life......" (he thoughts...)

just Shomi come & console him...

Shomi: sanskar betta.. plzz stop bashing yourself... she never think about anyone... never ever..  think for me... (broke voice)  San feel more guilty....

San leave SS... goes to mandir....... & thinks for that day........... (flashback start)

NeXt DaY..  (afternoon... like 2-3 pm)
SaN reach to Kolkata.. in hurry... as he landed he book a cab.. & rush to SS.... then he change his way... & reached to school.. (he thought.. he will meet her)

After 30 minutes..
he reach.. & pay cab.. & say to stay.. & rush to dancing classroom....  as he reach... he open the door... & find.. rahul & ragini & 16 childrens are learning dances... he revile to saw rag.. rag smile &  scared too.. about rahul..

San:ragini.. (yet his eyes are searching for his Love)  wo..Sw.. a..ra... (he looks rahul) Hiii rahul..

rahul: hlw.. Mr. Sanskar...

rag:(now smile relax) Ohh.. its mean she told u.. about him... am so happy.. & look at u accept him... but where is she..??
San:(all confused.) accepted..?? she.?? what do u mean..?? ragini.. & where is she..?? I wanna meet her...

all look at each other... with confusion... just then the principal come.. & send kid out.. close the door...& say..

principal: Mr.Roy plz excuse us..
San:(stop him) mam.. he is like our family.. so its okk.. but mam.. can u plzz tell me.. where is swara now..???

principal: Mr.sanskar.. am going to asked u that.. yesterday night.  I got a mail form her.. that she is leaving her job... & she request to Mr.Roy.. the he won't leave school......

San:(was hell shocked)
rag: (understand something fishy) mam.. can We plzz leave now.. its argent...
principal: yes.. u can.. & thanks Mr. Roy.. that yesterday u save swara.. for meeting an accident...

rag: yes.. warrna kal kuch hoo jatta to....  merre sammne swara kal girrne walli thi....

San:(take aback....) what...?????

rag: (explain) I'll tell u in way.. let's moved...

In cab

rag: actually.. swara has some problems to tell u.. that rahul join.. hear... but she get fever to tell & hurt u.. so she was upset.. & laksh  told me that.. she dance When...

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