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hlww... I just hope YOu are good... n happy mood...all shorted now... n now its too time come to move to the end.... well its up to YOU.. what YOU want... to end it nor not... so plzz.. say. ohokk..

recap: Swasan get a relief from the Culprit.... n something suspicious how family come to knew...?? about sanlak..??


NIGHT... @swasan room.

ALL WAS shorted now... swara was upset remembering her accident losing her child... But still she was genuinely n lovingly supported by her HUSBAND.. whom she love the most.... swara was crying n patting her baby girl who was fell asleep in the middle of her patent.... n She was laying her head on his shoulder..... where he was caressing her back.. n thinking about the worst day of his LIFe....

(flashback of swasan night in GM)

sanskar open his laptop.. n swara come with a. bright smile.. n she was shock to see the person.. even the person smile more bright seeing swara...

"swara... its YOU right...? am so glad...to see YOU " saying the lady..

Sw:(shock. yet remember nikhil n cry) shilpa DI... You alive.... ohh God... n nikhil.....

shilpa: nikhil.. kyaa hua use..??

San:(confused first.. n then hearing Sw. he was suspicious) Shona.. You knew..??

Sw: dii... (sobb) dii.. YOUR nIKHIL plan a murder.. of me n my husband.. n by that.. J loose my baby.... (weep)

now San understand That Shilpa is the main reason for NIKHIL did all this... he was so shock..... n shattered..

shilpa: (shock.. ) no.. swara... he can't... I trust him...

San: maam... n we....

Sw:(angry n snap ) n we are the victims.... Dii.. n the reason i s YOU....

shilpa: let's make a talk me... I WILL ASK...

San:(focus on swara.. n then to shilpa) look.. ma'am.. We are sure... about it.. but is it okk for YOu.. that YOU wanna face him..?m

shilpa:(confused for her bro) yes.. Mr. Maheswari.. I want...

swasan:(smile faint) okk..

(flashback ends of NIGHT... n now.. fb of NIKHIL in to swara's room towards baby.. n door locked..)

nikhil:(turn with shock... seeing swasan raglak) tum sab....??

San:(angry n determined) let have some talk... shaleshab.... (sidehug swara)

Nikhil:(shock.. n. monologue)ohh... shit.. he is all fine.. I have to inform jiju.. ( he was about to call someone)

"NIKHIl... I was always proud that YOU are my brother.... but after knowing YOu... I have shame...on me.... to considered YOu as my son almost.." said shilpa through Laptop...

nikhil turn more shockingly seeing rahul n kavita holding the laptop.. he ran towards laptop.. n snatch it form rahul... he was crying like hell yet happily seeing his SISTER alive...

"dI.. You are ffine... am so happy Dii... where YOU are dii.... tell me.. me n jiju come to free You..." he was crying like a baby......

Shilpa:(flume in anger to hear jiju) shut up.... nikhl...shut up... he is the only for whom Am hear... n whom YOU destroy he is only who save me...

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