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hhhhiiii.... guys I knew.. u all surprise maybe.. u all angry on Me.. but trust me.. I will seriously going to make it fun and emotional to..... so let's move why we waiting for...???

recap: Sanskar memory loose... Sw shock.. and loose her sense....



Shomi: doc.. when swara will gain her sense..?? she is fine na..??.

doc: aunty.. relax.. till she gain her scene... we can't anything....

SG: Shomi pllzz calm down...

SU: and doc.. my sanskar..??

Rp: haa..?? wo..??

his doc: look. Mr.Maheswari as we all know he forgot his present.. he is leaving in his past... so.. and report says rest... we have to wait.. till he gain his sense...

nurse: (come out from sw's cabin) doc.. Mrs. Maheswari gain her sense....

all rush to her cabin.. till then she was seating and holding her baby gal.. and crying for sanskar.. Shomi rush to her... and

Shomi: Shona...

Sw:(looks up.. and hug Shomi)

Shomi: shan't Shona.. kuch bollo...beta we all are with u. don't worry..(she broke hug with confused) Shona beta kyaa hua say something..

ALl.find swara is moving her lips but her voice was not coming.. she was trying heard.. Lak shock... even all shock.. swara looks at doc with a shattered expression....

doc:(come and check her throat and turn sadly) look.. swara.. I don't lie to u.. but due to (she turn to family) due to looseing baby and after sanskar rejection she get a big shock ever and she loose her speaking power...

SU & Shomi crying bitterly.. swara cuddle her baby.. strongly and turn her face... Lak talk with doc.

lLak: doc.. is swara never can speak.??

doc: well... Mr. Maheswari.. she can. speaking again.. but for that she need a mental push I mean any shock again.... so.....

rag;(walk to swara.. n hug her..) everything will be fine...

Sw:(look at her.. and give her a painfull smile) (moving her lips.. n Lak become her voice) I..(SR both look at Lak..swara smile rag smile too) I am such a

Lak:(angry) shut up.. swara.. u are not unlucky... u get that... its just u are not able to bear his rejection.. I knew... And I promised as he gain his memory he will definitely apologized to u.. dekh Lena...

Sw;(turn her Face)

rag:(smile) swara.. thanks haa..

Lak:for what..?? (Sw too asking look)

rage: now.. he can't get a big scold form u... (tyr to fun)

Sw:(laugh then cry,) he..(Lak again speak what she saying) never get a scold even am the one for whom its happen....

Lak:no Shona.. calm.down..

rag: laksh u go out.. swara need to feed baby...

Lak nods n leave.. swara rag alone.... while going outside Lak also whips her tears....

@outside of both cabin...

SU and Shomi was all broken.. SG too now crying.. for his daughter...
Rp was numb... ap Dp was ttry to clam down them.. but all in vain...

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