chapter 45

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hhhhiiiii.... hlllwww... hopee u like the last part of JKPH... so now.. let's ready for the bboom... hahahaha... don't confused... I can't say now... so let's move.... come on.. let's move...

recap: Swasan, Ap Dp Lak moment... swasan patch up...



swara was sleeping peacefully.. in San's arms.. San was ttoo sleeping in her hug... just his ph ring.. & disturbed both of them... swara took a side.. San worriedly wakeup n received the call... as he won't let her sleep spoil...

San:: hlww... (sleepy voice..)

San:hmm.. really.... am so happy.. but. now I don't let her knew.. coz she is sleeping.. yaa.. yaa.. fine.. com soon..

San:hmm... see u... bro..

San hangup the call.. & about to step out form bed.. his hand was pulled.. he smile.. & again jump in bed.. "morning... u awake..."

"hmmm" she replys while cuddle herself in his chest.... he smile.. seat with bed wall.. & hug her back...

"so.. who's that.. u was talking...?? " she ask.. with a naughty fake anger....

"uuummmm... what u like to hear.. my g/f.. orr the true one.." she chuckle...

"u...." she beat him playfully.. & push him... "get lost...." she was getting up form his chest..... just he pull her back...

"ohh God... am pregnant sanskar.. don't pull me...." San hug her tightly...

San: I knew... and I also knew.. u wannna know.. how I come to u and baddepapap.. (wink at her..)

Sw:(looks at him.. with narrow eyes..) first tell who's in call...??

San: ohhho.. its lucky only..

San:(nods & smile) hmm.. at last... (San kiss her head) u did it...

Sw:(nods) yes....

Sw:(smile) I miss u tooo.. letz goo

swasan both getup. & get readdy... and come down... find SU Rp SG Shomi is waiting for them.... both was confused.. but still they smile...

Shomi: Shona..

Sw:haa.? maa..???

SU: beta I arrange a soft hitting belt for your back.. I give it to Shomi.. she will help u...

Sw: but... why mom..??

San: (sad) but mom..

San: (looks at shona)

Sw:(looks at san)

Rp:(come to sw) beta.. come have seat.. dont worryy.. we come to meet u everyday...

SG: haa.. san come beta seatt....

Shomi: yes.. but sanskar u wont come... U wont meet shona.. till kaliipuja as she decided to stay hear.......

San:(glared at Sw.. swara pout.. San too become sad)

Sw: maa... .(she was dam sad....)

soon Rp & SG burst in laughing.... and Shomi & SU join them..

swasan understand their parents prank with them... they both halted at their respective parents.... SG points AF Shomi... Rp to SU.... soon swasan laugh too.. and sya sorry.... but at a moment all was dam happy ever..... for a blessed moment which they all was waiting for....

swara was about to seat in chair.. just she scream. "maa..."

San:(hold her) kyaa hua.. are u okk..??

Sw:(again scream... & hold his hand.. she was sweating) yeah.. aaahhh..

Shomi:beta. use couch pe baithao..

SU bring water...

San:(whips her sweats) are u fine..?? call doc..??

Shomi: beta.. what type of pain..?? is it continued..??

Sw:(bit shy) no.. maa.. now am fine.. let's go have breakfast and then we can go...

San:no.. first tell what happne..??

swara was about tto stand just age again scream...

SU:(smile) sanskar. its common.. relax. and next few months.. Shona will habituate it...(hold. sw's shoulder & smile)

Shomi:(now smile too) yes.. come...

Rp & SG was shy & proud too...

San:(dam confused ever) mom..?? what are u talking up to...?? doc won't tell me about anything like this..??

Sw:(hits her head) hey bhagwan...

San: Shona....(bit angry)

all ignored him.. & moved.. just he blub on.. and he scream with joy too.... and pull up Sw.. in excitement..

San: Omg.... i sit......????? Shona... I love u...

Sw:(damn shy.. & deep red.. for parents...) drop me... (she glared..)

San:(composed himself & drop her.. )

all was silent for a moment and then all laugh.. swara was shy ever.. she run to her room..... San followed her...parents smile & congratulate each other.....

After 2 months.....

@SS.. a fine evening....

swara was again infront of mirror.. and as expected. she was making such odd faces again.....

San come to her.. & help her.. he help her to lock her necklace & earring... and. smile throw mirror..

she glared at him.. "don't act to smart..... Ek to I hate business party.. and that too with this..." (shows her big baby bump...)

San:(smile) now only one months more.. then I will carry them.. now ppllzz go.. ppllzzz..

Sw:(again pout) let me. get ready.. then I can go.. U knew. today I don't feel to move a single step.. and today na.. your both babies are just too much...

San:is they... (he Hug her by her bump.. & looks at her throw mirror) hey.. babies what your mamma said...??? u both disturbing her.... not done.. come soon.. only I can disturbed her. so don't took opportunity...(wnk)

Sw:(shock.. & hit him by elbow) hhhwwww.. shut up sanskar.. now your are not getting late...???

San:(remembered and nods) accha. I promised... we go & meet my friend & we will back.. in 15.....

Sw:(question look) pakka..??

san:(kiss her shoulder) hmm... u smelled awesome... when I can get u back..??

Sw:(roll her San..)

San;(first giggle.. then gulp...and release her.. ) sorry...

swara applied her vermilion.. and turn.. "let's move....."

swasan both was in car... swara was talking to ragini.. and advice her.. for new pregnancy... and the way.. (yes.. u guess right.. ragini was too pregnant. as swaragini both was become so close by this too) San was really lost in swara and her beauty........

he forgot about car.. & driving.. aand as swara hangup the call.. and turn to him.. she shout..

"sanskar.... truck..........."

San back in sense....and drive their car... in left.. and they dashed to a big old tree............

all ppl who was there.. the gather near to them...& hospitalized unconscious blooeded swasan.... and call police......

next part: surprise surprise.........

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