Chapter 2: The Final Battle

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"Well, one more boss and you can go after the Wall of Flesh." I glared questioningly at my guide. "Which one?" I asked nervously. The dryad, Galaxia, looked up from her items for sale and with wide eyes told me,"Skeletron. You haven't beat him yet. When you do, you earn the clothier. Don't you want to fill your houses?" I pondered. "How hard is he?" Adam instantly answered me. "Not as hard as Wall of Flesh, but he shouldn't be a problem. If it becomes morning, he will charge you and he will kill you. Do not let him run away, or you'll have to wait for the next night." I looked at Winter as she opened the door behind me. "Well, that's our next target!"

"Um, Violet, why are we here?" Winter squeaked. I turned away from the old man. "We are helping this person be rid of his curse, and defeating the last boss before we go after the Wall of Flesh." Winter shrugged. "Ok," I turned to the Old Man again. "Summon your master. We need to come to terms with him."The old man's voice quavered. "Be vigilant, for in the sunlight he retreats!" He shuffled into the shadows, and a roar echoed against the green dungeon walls.

"Get ready Winter!" I cried. Skeletron appeared in the light of the torches. Blood dripped from his shoulder and neck. I slashed my sword at the evil being. The sound of clacking bones rang throughout the bricks. He swiped his hand and hit Winter. I looked at her and he swiped at me. I dodged. "Winter! No! Come on girly!" I stood by her and shook her. His head came down on top of us, and the world went black.

I woke up in the light. Winter was lying next to me on a rich mahogany bed. "What happened?" I muttered. Adam, Xon, Sebastian the merchant, Galaxia, Hattie the nurse, and a new person greeted my eyes. "Winter, Eagle, this is Morton, the Clothier. Oh and also, thank Adam and Tyrone for getting you back here when you two were found knocked out." Hattie introduced. "" I stuttered. "Winter," Xon said. Winter sat up and turned towards me. "I shot an OP arrow and it, surprisingly, killed it. I had to carry you home because you had passed out." I smiled at her and put my hand on her shoulder, "We can finally go after Wall of Flesh!" I cheered. I jumped out of bed and ran to my web covered chest. My hands quickly shoveled through the items and I pulled out a voodoo doll. It looked like Adam. Waitaminute. Oh god. "Adam, I gotta talk to you," I said. He followed me outside. I turned around to face him, as tears blurred my vision."So you know how you say that only a human sacrifice will summon the wall of flesh?"

"Wait. I'm the sacrifice?!" Adam asked nervously. I nodded, tears flooding my eyes. I handed him the doll. "You have been a friend to me for as long as I can remember," I said shakily. Adam studied the doll. Turning it over and over in his hands. He sighed. "I guess," he put a hand on my shoulder. "I guess I will die for you." he complied. I put my hand on him as warm tears flooded my face. The rest of my friends came out of the house and asked me what we were talking about. I buried my face as more tears paraded down."There is a voodoo doll in Eagle's inventory that looks like me. Eagle and Winter have to get that voodoo doll to Hell, throw it into lava, kill me, and they will summon the Wall of Flesh." Adam announced. I nodded. They all gasped. "It's true." my voice quavered, "Alright, we'll leave tonight. I guess this is Goodbye, Adam." I sobbed. Adam sighed. "I guess it is..." The rest of my friends stood murmuring or talking to Adam as I went to my house and flopped down on my bed. Winter came in and sat down next to me. "Vi, maybe he'll return one day." I wiped my eyes and shoved my face into my white pillow. "That's not the point Winter, I...I love him..." I blushed into my pillow. I was so embarrassed to admit it, but I did. I turned onto my back."He....doesn't know that." Adam opened the door. "Eagle, can I talk to you?" I nodded and followed him outside.

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