Chapter five

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“Adrian how much longer?” we had been in the car for a total of Nine hours, and my bum was beginning to grow sore, I still wasn’t talking to Dimitri in which he would make comments calling me childish, immature, and unbelievable. I was taking it a little to the extreme but he hurt my feelings, and I was stubborn, something I got from my father.

“Thirty more minutes, Jas how much longer are you going to keep up this quiet game?” Dimitri’s green eyes looked worn and tired through the rearview mirror; I didn’t bother answering I just looked out the window taking in the scenery, or lack of seeing how it was dark and the moon was hidden behind clouds.

The clock on the radio read that it was a little after eleven at night, I could tell that snow was falling in small flakes thanks to the headlights. I wasn’t a fan of snow, something I had to get over since home was in Madison Wyoming. 

I felt my cell phone vibrate in my pocket, pulling out my phone I noticed I had a text message from Adrian, glancing up he was pointing at hi phone. I hopped he could see my rolling my eyes.

“Forgive him already.”


“Why” I gave a sigh to let him know I was annoyed.

“Because he was mean to me.”

“He means well sis.”

“We are a here.” The loud boom of Dimitris voice caused me to jump a little in my seat.

We had paused at a huge gate long enough for D to punch in the code, the gate swung inwards allowing us entrance, I wished it wasn’t dark so I could take in the surrounding of my new home. I

“Adrian, will you grab the bags that she will need and take them to her room. Jas, I need to speak to you for a minute.” Dimitri says as we are rolling in what I assume is a garage, and once the lights are turned on I realize I was right, there are sports car, massive trucks and suvs, a few Bikes, a few dozen four-wheelers.

I gave pleading looks for Adrian not to abandon me as pried my bag from my hand. “For heaven sakes stop acting like im going to kill you and just give Adrian the bag,” I sent Dimitri an evil look as I let go of my bag.

“What?” as soon as Adrian shut the door, my arms where crossed and I was avoiding eye contact.

“Jas, please look at me,” maybe it was the hurt in his voice, or the small hint of annoyance, but I looked at him.  “I know I shouldn’t of said that too you, and I’m very sorry, I don’t know what came over me. I don’t like it when you don’t speak to me, you’re my best friend, and I love hearing you laugh and talk. Please forgive me.”

“Listen here Mr. Alpha, if you ever speak to me like that again, we are going to have problems, but if you ever and I mean ever, try making me feel guilty over Daniel again, I will end our friendship for taking his side.”

“Yes ma’am.” I laughed as he gave me a mock salute, I don’t think I could ever really not be his friend, I loved him dearly, and the thought of him not being in my life at all sent cold shivers down my arm causing  my heart to tighten. “Let’s go give you a tour shall we.”

“Yes lets,” as soon as I stepped out of the car I was wrapped in a big bear hug.

“Thank you.”

“Yeah, yeah, don’t get too mushy on me Alpha.” I let him take hold of my hand and guide me out of the garage.

The garage was off to the side apparently because we had to go out a back door that led through a glass tunnel that led to the house. I don’t know why I was surprised at the size of the house after seeing the huge amount of cars, but I was finding it hard to breath at how huge the inside of the house was.

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