Chapter Eleven

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“Dal I’m not in the mood!” I snapped for like the hundredth time in the last hour, she had me trying on a million different dresses, and I was starting to get pissed. “Why the hell are we here.”

                “Bonding, now try these on, I’ll be right back.” Stupid, pointless, shopping, with an stupid backing stabbing……..”Stop looking at me like you’re going to kill me.”

                “But I am going to kill you.” I said through gritted teeth, she was up to something I just knew it.

                “This is the last store and then ill feed you I promise.” I rolled my eyes as she walked away laughing, my stomach grumbled at me.

                “I hate her.” I mumble as I slip on the tight pink number, it isn’t obnoxious pink its actually I deep pink that had black lace from under the bust to the bottom of the dress, that stopped mid thigh, it was figure fitting, and as hideous as it sounds I was surprised when I looked in the mirror to  see I kind of looked good.

                “You look hot.” I look over to see Dal is peeking over the top of the dressing room.

                “Were you perving?”

                “No, but that dress looks good, let’s go we are done.” I shake my head as she walks away, allowing me to steal one last glance; wondering why she is making me get a dress.  “I thought you were hungry Jaslyn?” with that I hurried and got dressed.             

                “Dal why did you get me a dress?” we had been sitting in the food court for a good twenty minute in silence.

                “Do you wanna go ahead and eat on the way home?” she looks up at me as if she doesn’t heard me.

                “Sure.” She gathers are untouched food, and begins to walk off leaving me to grab the bag with the dress in it.

                “Dally; please tell me, what’s going on.”

                “There some kind of special pack dinner, and my brother wanted me to make sure you had a nice dress.”

                “Oh. Didn’t think anything I would have would be good enough, freaking figures.” Suddenly the car slams and I had to my head about hits the windshield, but luckily the seat belt caught me in time to save my forehead, but at the moment I couldn’t breathe, I look over at Daliahla to see what the hell, but she is just glaring at me.

                “YOU KNOW I DON’T EXPECT TO YOU TO UNDERSTAND WHY MY BROTHER DID WHAT HE DID BUT LET ME TRY TO EXPLAIN. I don’t agree with it, him not telling you, but it’s hard enough being mated with a wolf, but let alone a human, or in your case a witch, I have seen wolves get rejected by their mate, and its painful to watch I don’t even want to know how it feels to be rejected. But my brother did what he did at first because he knew how much you wanted to be with Daniel and make it work for your people; he loves you more than I have ever seen a wolf love a mate. It made him sick and miserable these entire years being away from you, the only thing, and I mean ONLY thing that kept him going was hearing your voice. Jaslyn, yes he could have saved you, but you didn’t ask. So don’t you dare make it seem like he doesn’t love you, because if you don’t see the way he looks at you, then you’re dumb and blind.”

                The rest of the ride went in complete and awkward silence. What got her in such a tiffy?

Dimitri POV

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