Chapter nine

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Chapter Nine

It’s been a couple of weeks since the meeting with my family, Adrian had been gone for a week now, I don’t know where he was all I knew is Dimitri was always held up in his office, and Adrian would answer is phone. I had managed to get my father to give me until a graduated till I came home. No I hadn’t chose them, because to be honest I knew it was a death wish either way, occasionally I would get a text from Dan with different threats, or examples of torture, but he never told me what to choose. And though I didn’t know the history of my people, I wonder if there really had been a witch or wizard who had their powers taken away. So here I sit in the back yard under the sun, it’s the beginning of spring and the breeze that pass through the trees, tangles into my hair, and the sun warms my face. My legs are crossed as I sit in the grass, it hasn’t been mowed in a while so it soft and warm against my bare legs.  I place my hands palms down, on each side of me, chin up eyes closed I focus on the sounds around me.

                The sound of paws against dirt is in the distance, there are birds chirping in the tree branches, bugs playing on the ground below. I concentrate so I don’t get lost in the rhythm of the surrounding forest.  I have to picture as if the magic is in strings around me. I was going to speak with the elders of ancient time to give me guidance, I had never actually done this before not because I did not want to but because I was never taught on how to actually use my power, so my aunt only explained to me once a few things in hushed, rushed whispers.  The strings where bright brilliant, glittering colors in the sunlight, I smiled as I felt the magic warm me to the core.

                “To thee I call, from here to there I call to let it be, let me see. I seek guidance, I seek wisdom, and to I ask from ancient times of ancient magic, come to me for you I seek.” It felt like I had sat here forever with my eyes closed, I didn’t know what I was waiting for so I finally opened my eyes to go into the house when I  realized I was not in the back yard of the pack house anymore. I was actually what looked like a field of grain, long yellow strands of grass blew back in and forth in the warm breeze, I looked around and everything had a yellow tint to it. To my right I noticed a pond with someone sitting on the dock, so I walk in that direction. I tried to see if my instincts told me this was a bad idea, but since I didn’t get a warning feeling in the pit of my stomach I continued to walk forward.

                “Excuse me.” I spoke softly, I was afraid to step onto the wooden dock so I stayed here in the yellow grass staring at the back of light haired women.

                “Come closer my dear, I do not bite….hard.” the voice was like silk, but seemed familiar.

                “I’m sorry ma’am, not that I don’t trust you, but to be honest I don’t trust this wood.” I stared down at the grey color wood that looked as if it had been here forever.

                “Oh honey I would never put you in danger turtle.” Turtle, oh my it couldn’t be, could it.

                The wind chose that moment to blow through the women’s honey colored hair, she turned giving me a huge smile, her blue eyes where bright and full of vibrancy and love.

                “Mom.” My eyes filled with tears, and I could hear the wood creak, but I didn’t feel myself move, but I was walking to my mother who stood up and had her arms stretched out towards me.

               “Hi baby,” I sob escapes my lips, and the tears begin to fall. She still smells of roses, and her hugs are still felt so safe.

                “I miss you so much mama, it hurts every day.”  Even though I was a few inches taller than my mom, she made me fill small as she ran her hands through my hair making soothing sounds.

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