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Aphmau POV

"Mom!" I yelled over the storm. I was searching the house but I couldn't find her.

My panic was setting in and I could feel the adrenaline rushing through my body as I began to search outside. I was worried about my mom, don't judge me!

The wind was whipping my hair in my face, making it a million times harder to see anything. I was praying to Irene that my mother hadn't fallen down and been knocked unconscious. The trees looked like they were going to bend in half.

I had circled the backyard and was now on my way back to the house, leaning into the wind. With every step I took, I grew more exhausted. I brushed the hair out of my face and looked around me one more time.

Maybe 200 yards away I could make out a figure, just...standing there. I strained to see their face but I was unable. I was hoping it was my mom, but I should've been more cautious. As I was approaching my shoe laces snagged on a piece of metal, tripping me.

When I stood the person was gone.

Finally I reached the house and scurried inside. The power had gone out so it was nearly pitch black. I crept through the first floor tentatively, until I felt some thing touch my shoulder, and I totally screamed. 

(A/N) Sorry for the short chapter! I didn't have much time to update soooooooooo.......YA. I didn't really make a plot for this story, it's just kinda a 'go with the flow' story. Sorry if it's total crap. Anywhoos......                           ~Bye Mini Dragons!

A  Fallen Shadow [Aarmau fanfiction] (DISCONTINUED )Where stories live. Discover now