The Red And Black Wolf

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Aphmau POV

I stopped and pulled my arms up to my chest, hoping it would warm me up, but not being successful. My skin was cold to the touch and the icy rain drops weren't helping. I could see maybe 5 feet in front of me. The dark storm clouds covered the stars and the moon, giving me no light what so ever. I was terrified for so many reasons. I longed to feel warmth, and a snuggly blanket wrapped around my shoulders. I was regretting my wardrobe choice of skinny jeans and a tank top with a jean jacket. The jean fabric absorbed the water and it felt like I was wearing a jacket of ice. Not only that, but my skinny jeans were now super, super skinny. They clung to my legs tightly, and it wasn't long before my shoulders and legs felt numb. 

I wanted to break down and cry. I wished I was at least back at the cave, where the ground was not sopping, and the sky wasn't crying. I never liked the rain, but now I hated it. I began to loose the feeling in my fingers, and losing the feeling in my limbs sent me into a panic. I was breathing heavily, the cold air stinging my lungs and throat. Feeling hopeless, I fell to my knees and began to sob, praying to any God that was up there to help me. 

Then there was a low growl, that didn't sound friendly, from behind me. I lifted my head out of my hands and turned around slowly to see a medium sized wolf with dark grey fur and a blue stripe down its spine, baring its teeth at me. My entire body tensed in fear as I held eye contact with the wolf. It was so close to me that I could feel it's hot breath on my skin. The wolf stepped forward, and I was paralyzed. Loudly, the threatening creature barked at me and was about to strike, until a black wolf ran into it, shoving the animal to the ground. There were loud growls and from the two fighting beasts, who had rolled in to the darkness. The fight continued and things didn't sound good. After a few minutes a sharp yelp was heard then it grew silent except for the sound of the rain on the nearby trees.

Snapped back in to reality, I stood and started to run. If the grey wolf had won I didn't want to stick around. Branches  brushed against my face as I ran. I glanced to my left and saw the black wolf running along side me. Impulsively, I tried to scramble up a tree, but I can't climb so in the end I had my back against a tree as the wolf came closer. Its eyes were dark and captivating, and they didn't hold any aggression, unlike the other wolf, and it had red tinted fur at the end of its ears, tail, and on its feet. It was...beautiful.

I watched it closely, my fear fading, and I found myself following the four legged creature as it weaved through the trees. A little while after I ended up in my back yard and now red and black wolf in sight.

(A/N) I'm really enjoying writing this story so I'm going to put more effort in to it. I'm hoping it isn't too cliche. Also I can't believe this story has 130+ reads. When I started it I figured I'd just get a couple from my friends. I know it sounds silly but I really appreciate it. It's definitely motivating me. I'm totally ready to post another Aarmau soon so be on the look out! I'll take my terrible puns and leave but first...QUESTIONS!

When did you first start watching Aphmau?

Who's your second favorite MyStreet ship?

Pizza or TACOS?

What do you think of Dreams Of Estorra?

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