A Long Night

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Daniel POV

Aphmau glared at me as I turned around to face the pack. Dottie and Rylan were at the front, running to see me. I was the Omega but they were nearly chosen to be it, making them barely Betas. They had been looked down upon by everyone here and still were. Dottie jumped on me knocking the air from my lungs.

"Hi!" She said helping me up.

I took a deep breath and said hi back.

Rylan stepped forward with a curious look on his face.

"She's uglier than I imagined."

"Hey! That's not very nice!" Aphmau squealed, making him laugh.

"He's just saying that because he imagined an angel or a supermodel with great legs and an amazing tan. You're beautiful hon." Dottie punched Rylan in the arm, much to his annoyance.

Alex walked from the group and faced me, making me nervous. Dottie stepped back, or tried to since Rylan was hiding behind her.

"Her mouth is undone." Alex glared at the four of us. "I thought you knew better Yipper."

The werewolf I saw before me was not a happy one. Her eyes darted over each of our faces, filled with contempt.

"I don't think I like you that much." Aphmau said, looking at the silver haired girl weirdly.

"Shut it, girl." Alex barked. (Hehe! Barked! I'll let you finish. Bai.)


3rd Person POV

After the sun had set everyone had went to bed and Aphmau was left alone with a guard. She was trying her hardest not to have a negative outlook, but it was hard. The ground was cold and rough, with no comfortable place for her to lay down. Her wrists were still bound and they were beginning to chafe. A small light came into view at the entrance to the cave. The Alpha was back. The werewolf approached her and commanded the guard to leave.

"Hello there. You must be wondering why I'm keeping you here." He said slowly. 

He creeped the highschooler out like none other.

"Actually no. I already know why." Aphmau replied coldly.

"Smart one aren't you? You have a sharp tongue, I can tell." He stood and  removed his hood, revealing a man with dark hair that was starting to grey and pair of some of the darkest eyes she'd ever seen. Aphmau felt like she'd seen those eyes before but she couldn't recall where.

"Look, I don't want to get involved with you or family if it's going to be like this but...from what I've heard you treat your son like a prisoner." She was chewing on the inside of her cheek anxiously as she spoke.

"You should keep your nose out other peoples business." He said quickly.

"Well it's kinda hard when you kidnap me! Seriously! Who settles problems like this?" Aphmau said loudly.

The man grit his teeth in frustration at the headstrong girl. She was getting on his nerves.

"Leave her alone Dad." A familiar voice said.

"Aaron? Where are you? Come here!" The alpha looked around quickly, searching for the person who spoke.

The boy Aphmau had spoken to earlier came from the shadows, looking less than happy. He untied the girl, then stood to face his father.

"I didn't think you actually would stoop this low! She's innocent!" Aaron growled angrily.

"You won't listen to me! What was I supposed to do?" The man furrowed his eyebrows, and his tail began to twitch in annoyance.

The young werewolf groaned in frustration. "That doesn't mean you can just kidnap someone!"

They were both angry at each other, and Aphmau just watched them as they argued. Both of the males were tense and the hair on their ears and tails was on end. They both looked a little menacing, and all she wanted to do was go home.

"I'm gonna...go now..." Aphmau said, stepping around the werewolves and showing herself out.

When she was standing in the cold rain she made a beeline for her house. Well...she tried to. Aphmau had a terrible sense of direction, and it took her no time at all to get lost. Soon enough she was alone, scared, and soaked to the bone. The cold autumn night seemed to drag on as the discouraged girl trudged through the woods. Her teeth chattered and she began loosing the feeling in her toes. Her sneakers were sopping wet and every step she took she felt her socks and all their soggy, squishy, horribleness. Rain dripped down her back and her hair looked like she just washed it. 

Her joints started to grow stiff and every step was harder. She wanted desperately to sit and rest, but she knew she could get hypothermia if she stopped moving. So that was her motivation. Keep going. Just one foot in front of the other. You can do it, was all Aphmau thought as she stumbled through the thick foliage.  

She was in more danger than she thought though, and it was bout to get her in some real trouble.

(A/N) Hey again! Its the author! I haven't updated in weeks because I didn't have access to a computer AND Wifi at the same time. Oh Wifi, what would I ever do without you? This was the longest chapter I've written so far. I hoped ya liked it! Now for some questions!

Aarmau or Zanemau?

What is your OTP?

What's your favorite Garroth quote? (If you have one)

Mashed potatoes or stupid potatoes?

Favorite Aphmau series?

See you next time!

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