The kissing booth.

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Word count: 2331 (jfc I need to chill)

Keith Kogane doesn't like conforming to society's labels or assumptions. However he knew that with just one look, anyone would know that he's gay.

He smiled softly as the thought crossed his mind.

He was at Pidge's house with his brother Shiro and he really should be sleeping, but the excitement in his stomach was too much to handle.

Just twenty more minutes he had to wait until Pidge's alarm went off. And then one of the best days of his life would commence.

Eighteen minutes later and Keith was grinding his teeth with impatience, the anticipation was almost too much for the raven haired boy to handle.

Finally the alarm rang out and there was a groan from under the mass of Pidge's bed sheets.

Keith shot up and immediately ran over to the bundle on the floor, shaking Pidge in an attempt to get him up.

When said boy sat up with messy hair, Keith ran over to the bed (that Pidge had willingly given up for the night) in which Shiro and Matt were sharing and jumped on top of it, bouncing up and down and yelling at the top of his lungs.


Needless to say, Keith was a little (a lot) sleep deprived and also hella ready to start the day, unlike his friends.

"Keith... I get you're excited but could you tone it down a little? You're making my head hurt, it's too early in the morning for this." Shiro said, his voice deep and croaky from lack of use overnight.

"I can't help it! Now get your ass up and get ready, we're gonna miss it!"

"It's called pride day for a reason Keith... we're not gonna miss it. Trust me." Matt said before groaning and cuddling into Shiro more, probably to catch a few more minutes of sleep.

Keith glared at the boy and pounced on top of them, jumping up and down again on all fours.

"Get. Your. Lazy. Asses. Out. Of. Bed. Right. Now. Or. So. Help. Me. I. Will. Get. The. Cold. Water." He growled with each jump.

"Ugh fine, fine. I'm up. Get off me you nerd." Shiro said with a chuckle.

He pushed Matt off of him playfully and joined Keith in trying to wake him up. This resulted in Shiro physically picking up the half asleep boy and making him stand.

"I hate you." He grumbled.

"Yeah, yeah. Whatever." He said before kissing his forehead.

Keith and Pidge were in the corner fanboying at their brothers being An Actual Married Couple™.

"Anyways! Get ready!" Keith yelled just when they thought he had calmed down.

They all chuckled and made about getting dressed.

Yes. Today is going to be Keith's first ever time at gay pride and, as you can imagine, he's pretty pumped.

He opened his bag and layed out the clothes that he had spent ages preparing, making sure that they were crease free.

"I call bathroom first!" He yelled suddenly and then proceeded to grab his things and run down the hall towards the bathroom cackling, Matt running after him because he's always first.

Keith turned on the shower, ignoring Matt who was banging on the door and shouting profanities.

"You snooze, you lose!" He called, earning an extra large thump on the door.

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