the note

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I ran out of the library slamming the door shut behind me. What the hell was that?

Run before he gets you too.

The voice is back, sounds like James's yet he's nowhere to be seen. I don't underatand why his voice is in my head but no one can answer that question except maybe me.

I walk towards the kitchen and I see James near the sink drying the dished while his mother washes them. His mother- I mean Amy seems like a very nice lady, as a matter of fact, she seems quite familiar as I look at her closely. She turned and noticed me in the doorway:

"Oh hello Valerie! Lovely to see you again! I-"

"Please, call me Val" I cut her off "Sorry, you can carry on"

She let out a slight giggle and continued "I was going to say that I've prepared turkey and chicken,  which would you prefer"

I could easily tell that she was over 35 years old, by the tone of her voice and the words she used and how she pronounced them however her eyes almost turning black from the brown around her pupil is amazing, you could get lost in then like in an unknown to man jungle; they are just like James's. I hadn't realised that my eyes were locked on James the whole time.

"Uh- I um- chicken? please?" I finally let out. I nodded to Amy just as I was about to leave. I walked through the door and down the empty hallway of the manor house.

"hey Val wait!" I heard a voice sound, I could immediately tell it was James because of the familiarity of his voice.

"Hey, James what's up?" I could barely stand the feeling of being around him made me dizzy. I wanted to feel his warmth again, even though we didn't touch I could feel it. My eyes were only focused on his, how can I not get over how amazing they are?

"here" he held out a note. "the details are in there" I reached out to get the note and our hands conmected, I looked down at our hand and noticed that he did too. We both looked up and stared for a split second then I broke the silence:

" thanks I'll read it in a sec" I said as he wandered off back to the kitchen.

I opened the note as I made my way up the stairs into my room. The note said:


Meet me under the stairs at 9pm

I have to show you something


I felt excitement flare up into my stomach and up into my throat. I wanted to scream, loudly, but I think it's a bad idea to concern anyone with my happiness. Instead, I walk up calmly into my room and look for something to wear.


It's 7pm. Time for 'tea' as the English call it.  I still haven't found anything to wear yet and our meeting is at 9! How possibly can I be that nervous. Okay, calm.

You excited ?

Yes! I think answering the voice- James's voice.

"Val, what are you thinking about?" my mother asked me from across the table.

"Er no, everything is fine" I smiled as I mixed around my vegetables o my plate. "I think im done now, may I be excused?"

"Of course angel, you have any plans to rush for-"

"No, I'm just gonna have an early night" I cut her off.

I stood up, took my plate into the kitched and made my way into my room for last minute nervousness.


It's 8:55 and I'm making my way down the stairs. As I skip down last few steps, I see James I normal clothes at ths bottom of the staircase.

"I knew you'd be early" he smiled

"How did you-" he cut me off

"Strange feeling. Come on I want to show you something"

I shivered as he put his hand behind my back and guided me onwards.

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