Part 6

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Its been hours since I've arrived at the studio with Avenged Sevenfold.  

Its been an adventure so far to say the least. 

These guys are absolutely insane.  

In a totally good way though.  

The way they think is so much different then any other artists I've worked with. 

My phone started ringing but it was in my bag, across the room. 

I didn't even hear it as Ryan called me threw times in a row. 

"You guys have such interesting minds." I said as I leaned back into the couch.  

We were all sitting on different chairs and couches around the room, talking. 

Not about business, but trying to get to know each other.  

"We like to be ourselves. We like playing music that represents us. A lot of producers we checked out before were really skeptical about working with us because they said we're too risky." Matt said.  

"We told them all fuck you!" Brian said.  

"Music is about putting it all out there, even if you piss some people off." Zacky said.  

"There's always gonna be that bunch of people that will never be satisfied with what you do. We can't please everyone. As long as we're happy and we stay true to our fans, we can deal with all the other bullshit." Jimmy said. 

"Yeah, and we really don't care if we piss people off. If they don't like it, fuck them." Johnny said. 

"Well said short shit." Jimmy said, giving Johnny a noogie. 

I laughed as they both started fighting.  

Jimmy was so big compared to Johnny, but he was holding his own pretty well. I glanced down at my watch and my eyes widened at the time. 

"Oh boy. I gotta get home. I didn't realize it was so late." I said in a panicked voice, jumping up.  

"Its okay, its not that late. Its only six o'clock." Matt said.  

"I know but," I stopped myself.  

"Yeah I know. Sorry, I freak out really easily sometimes. But I guess you guys will find that out soon enough." I said with a laugh. 

They all laughed too. 

"Well I'll walk you out." Matt offered.  

"Thanks." I said with a smile. 

I went and grabbed my purse and turned back to the guys.  

"I guess I'll see you guys tomorrow." I said. 

They all nodded and stood up.  

Jimmy came over to me first.  

He hugged me tight and picked me right off the floor. "Bye Bella. I'll miss you til tomorrow best friend." He said with a laugh.  

That made me laugh too.  

I haven't had a best friend since high school. 

"Bye Jimbo." I said with a laugh as I hugged him back.  

Next was Zacky, then Johnny, then Brian. 

When I pulled away from all of them, I didn't realize that my shirt had lifted up on my side a bit.  

"Whoa! What the hell is that!" Zacky asked.  

I looked at them in shock, not knowing what Zacky was talking about. 

I looked down to where all of their eyes were and my eyes widened as well.  

My black and purple bruised side was a little exposed.  

"Oh, sorry guys." I said, quickly pulling my shirt down.  

"What is that? How did you get that?" Brian asked. "Did someone hurt you?" Matt asked, his voice firm and hard. 

"No, of course not. You guys just haven't seen me drunk. Its not pretty. Especially not on wet stairs." I said, hoping they bought it.  

I looked up at them and they seemed to believe it. "Holy shit, I mean, did you go to the doctors? Make sure you didn't break anything?" Jimmy asked. 

His voice was full of concern and I didn't like lying to him. 

But I had to.  

"Yeah, he said I was really lucky. I bruise easily so it looks worse then it actually is." I said with a wave of my hand. 

"I dont know, that looks pretty fucking bad to me." Matt said.  

"Guys, I'm okay. Stop worrying." I said with a laugh. When they saw me laugh they seemed to relax a bit. "You are one tough chick." Johnny said.  

"Yeah and you better not forget it." I said with a smile.  

They all started laughing again and I picked up my purse.  

"Well guys, I'm off. I'll see you all tomorrow." I said. "Bye Bella!" They all yelled.  

I grinned and walked out the door, Matt close behind me.  

"You sure you're okay?" Matt asked as I opened my car door.  

"I'm fine, Matt. Promise." I said. 

"If you say so." He said.  

I smiled and hugged him.  

He grinned and gave me a kiss on the cheek. 

"Night Bella." He said in a soft murmur. 

I felt my heart skip a beat and I smiled the whole drive home.

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