Part 17

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Rev's POV

"Where the hell is Bella?" Brian asked, spinning around in his chair. 

"She'll be here soon dude. Calm the hell down." Zacky whispered. 

"She's not usually late. It's just not like her." Matt said, looking down. 

I sat in my chair quietly, not wanting to say anything. 

So many thoughts were flowing through my mind. 

None of them good. 

Bella promised that things with Ryan were getting better. 

But she also has a way of fabricating things and making them seem better then they are. 

She's always trying to make others feel better. 

That damn woman. 

I don't know how she did it, but she snuck her way into my heart. 

She's sweet, and caring, always there to listen. 

She's one of my best friends now. 

And I take care of my friends. 

No matter what. 

I flipped my phone open and scrolled through my contacts, looking for Bella's number. 

'Where r u Bells?' I sent. 

I sat there impatiently, waiting for her response that she slept in or something. 

But nothing came. 

Minutes passed and I sat there quietly staring at my phone as the guys kept bickering back and forth about where Bella could be. 

"So, Matt?" Johnny said. 

Just by the sound of his voice I could tell he was smirking. 

"What do you want short shit?" Matt asked in an annoyed voice. 

"I heard that you had a date with our late producer, also known as Bella." He said with a snicker. 

The whole room got quiet and even I looked up to see Matt's reaction. 

His cheeks flushed red and he looked down. 

A smile made it's way across my face at the thought of Bella and Matt going on a date. 

She didn't tell me. 

That sneaky little girl. 

She had some serious explaining to do when I find out where the hell she is. 

I look down at my phone again and saw that it's been over an hour since I sent the text to Bella. 

Still no answer. 

I stood up from my chair and made my way to the door. 

"Jimmy where you going?" Brian asked. 

"I'll be out for a while. But I'll be back soon. Guys want anything while I'm out?" I asked. 

They all shot out random things they wanted picked up and I nodded my head. 

Hopefully I'll remember everything they want. 

I got into my car and sped over to Bella's house. 

I sat in my car and pulled out my cell again. 

I dialed Bella's number and waited while I heard the dial tone. 

'Hey this is Isabella. Sorry I missed your call, there's a thousand and one things I have to do but I'll get back to you as soon as possible. Just leave your name and number and you'll hear from me soon. Bye.' Came Bella's jolly tone. 

I had to smile at how adorable and childish she could be at times. 

I stepped out of the car and made my way over to Bella's apartment door. 

I knocked. 

No answer. 

"Bella." I called out, knocking again. 

Still no response. 

I continued knocking for several minutes, getting louder and louder when I didn't hear Bella answer. 

I looked over to the parking lot and her car was there, so she has to be here. 

Bella doesn't just miss work. 

She definitely doesn't miss work and then not call to say she's not coming in. 

I knocked one final time and the door flew open. 

And there was Bella. 

My eyes popped open and my jaw dropped to the floor. 

"Oh my God." Was the only response I could muster.

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