Part 25

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"How's our girl doing doc?" Zacky asked. 

"Well, Isabella---," I cut him off right there. 

"It's Bella." I told my doctor. 

"Okay, Bella, and family," He said, looking around at all of the people in my room with big eyes. 

I couldn't help but chuckle at how scared he looked. 

"It's okay Dr. Jenkins. They're all family." I told him with a warm smile. 

"Okay then. Looks like your MRI came back. There's no bruising to your brain, they look all clear. Which is definitely a good thing. Your ribs are taped up nice and tight, so as long as your careful, they'll heal perfectly fine. There isn't anymore blood in your urine, so there's no internal bleeding. If these last few blood tests come back clear, then you'll be free to go." The doctor told me. 

"Really?" I asked, a huge smile spreading across my face. 

"Yes." The doctor said, smiling back. 

"Are you sure, doc? She might not be ready to leave yet." Jimmy said. 

"Hey!" I yelled. 

"You might not be Bella." Eliza said. 

"Yes I am! I don't want to be here anymore. As long as I'm healthy and have no major knocks on my head, I want to go home!" I told them all. 

"Well, from my end, you're perfectly fine. Your lab results should be back in a few hours. If everything looks good, then you'll get to go home today." The doctor told me. 

"I'd kiss you if I could get up, doc." I told him with a grin. 

"What was that babe?" Matt said in a hard, but amused voice. 

I looked over at him and batted my eyelashes, putting an innocent look on my face. 

My doctor looked down nervously and started blushing. 

"Oh nothing honey." I told him with a smile. 

He cocked his brow and smiled, his dimples coming out. 

"Are you sure she's ready to get out of here?" Cale asked again. 

"I'm fine! Geez, look at me. I'm fine. No shakes, no hyperventilation in a few weeks. My blood pressure is normal, I'm ready to go home." I told them all softly. 

"Speaking of going home. This isn't the first domestic abuse case I've dealt with. This is by far, one of the worst. I need to know that you're not going to be going back to the man that did this to you." The doctor said in a sincere voice. 

"Trust us doc, that shit head isn't getting anywhere near Bella again. Not while I'm here." Matt said in a hard voice. 

The guys all started yelling, saying different things they would do to protect me. 

"You've got a good group of people watching over you Bella. You are in great hands." Dr. Jenkins said. 

"I know I am." I said with a smile, looking around at the most important people in my life. 

I have no idea what I would do without them. 

The doctor nodded and made his way quietly out of the room. 

He closed the door behind him and the guys started moving around, situating themselves around me. 

"Where are you gonna be staying, Bells?" Eliza asked me, scooting me over and laying on my bed next to me. 

"I haven't really thought that far. I'm not really sure. I guess I could stay at a motel until I get a new apartment." I told my sister. 

"That's stupid. No way are you gonna be staying in a motel. You can stay with me at my house. There's plenty of room." Matt said. 

"I'm not gonna be a burden to you any longer, Matt." I told him seriously. 

"Burden my ass. I love you, Bella. Nothing about you is a burden. You're staying with me, and that's all there is to it." He told me. 

"Fine. As long as you don't mind." I told him softly. 

Matt made his way over to me and pushed my hair out of my face, making me look up at him. 

"It's more then okay, babe. You can stay as long as you want." Matt told me. 

"Thank you, Matt." I whispered softly. 

"I love you." Matt murmured, pressing a soft kiss to my lips. 

"I love you too." I told him back. 

"You guys are the sweetest couple I've ever seen." Eliza squealed loudly. 

"You better not hurt my sister, Matt." Cale said in a hard voice. 

"I won't Caleb. I promise." Matt said in a sure voice. 

"Don't worry, bro. We'll help you kick his ass if he ever does." Jimmy said. 

I smiled as I looked around at my new family. 

They would do absolutely anything for me. 

Things are finally falling into place.  

And I couldn't be happier.

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