Part 13

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"Damn Bella! Looking good!" Brian said. 

I blushed deeply as the guys started whistling at me. 

I had dressed up today. 

The make up, hair and clothes. 

The while deal. 

I had to. 

The swelling in my face hadn't gone down so I had to put on a lot of make up to cover it. 

"Thanks guys. I appreciate the compliments." I said with a smile. 

"What's the occasion?" Johnny asked. 

"None. Just felt like being a girl today." I lied smoothly. 

"Take it from me, none of us ever forget your a girl." Zacky said. 

"Why thank you Zachary." I said with a laugh. 

"What's all the fuss abo ---," Matt stopped mid sentence. 

He looked me up and down and his eyes widened. 

"Wow. Bella, you look, great. I mean, beautiful, gorgeous." Matt stuttered. 

"We know she looks good dude. You can stop babbling like an idiot." Jimmy said with a smile. 

"Why dont we go inside and we can get some work done." I suggested, not liking all the attention on me. 

"Ssssure." Matt stuttered again, letting me walk past him. 

I could feel his eyes on me the whole time and surprisingly, it didn't make me uncomfortable. 

"Alright, guys. I'm gonna be working with Matt today. We need to work on some vocals and some lyrics. If we news your guys help I'll let you know." I said with a smile. 

"Awww! But I wanna work with Bella today!" Johnny whined. 

I laughed and shook my head. 

"That doesn't mean you guys can slack off. I'll be checking up on you to see what progress you've made." I told them. 

They all huffed and I laughed as I sat down in my chair. 

Matt had been staring at me the whole time and I was trying my hardest not to blush. 

"So, Bella, how are you?" Matt asked with a smile that showed off his dimples. 

I honestly think he knows I love his dimples.He always seems to smile when I'm around and I can't seem to focus well. 

"I'm great thanks. And you?" I asked, trying to sound casual. 

"I'm great. Ready to spend some one on one with you." Matt said. 

I looked down and he cussed. 

"You know I didn't mean it in like any particular way. I just meant, you know, I know you work with all the guys and they always say such good things, and I was just...." He kept rambling. 

"Matt, Matt, Matt. Calm down. Its okay. I'm actually glad to get some one on one with you too. I know the other guys pretty well, so it's your turn." I said with a smile. 

"Geez, your beautiful." Matt said. 

I blushed a deep red. 

"Sorry, I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable." Matt said, looking down. 

"No, its fine. I'm just not used to, you know, getting compliments." I said softly. 

"Don't you have a boyfriend?" He asked. 

"Yeah, I do." I said, the words leaving a bitter taste in my mouth. 

"If he doesn't compliment you everyday, there's something wrong with that fucker." Matt said. 

I laughed at that. 

"That is true." I admitted. 

"So how long have you guys been together?" Matt asked, leaning in, interested in my answer. 

It was a nice change. 

Ryan is never interested in anything I have to say. 

It's not important to him. 

"Four and a half years." I said, trying to sound happy. 

Matt whistled. 

"Damn, that's a long time. Must be a special guy." Matt said. 

I laughed lightly. 

Ryan is the farthest thing from it. 

But something kept me with him. 

Kept me from running away from everything he puts me through. 

"Are you happy with him?" Matt asked, looking deep in my eyes. 

I was caught for a moment. 

Stuck in those beautiful, hazel orbs that showed nothing but care and interest in everything I had to say. 

"Yeah, I am." I said, looking down. 

"That's great. You deserve it." Matt said. 

I nodded as I kept my eyes glued to the floor. 

This is the first time I've ever regretted lying about my happiness. 

The only thing I want to do, is tell Matt the truth and let him protect me because I knew he would. 

And that's what scares me.

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