Part 21

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Jimmy's POV

It's been four days since Bella woke up from her induced coma.

It's been interesting to say the least.

Bella is in a very fragile state.

And I can't blame her.

She's gone through something that most people have only read about in magazines and books.

She's lived through things that most people will never experience.

And through it all, she's still managed to be optimistic, and see the good things that come out of every situation.

Ever since she woke up, she's had this smile plastered on her face.

One of pure joy and happiness.

I like to think that me and the guys have something to with that.

And in a way, we do.

But I think what Bella is really happy about, is she's finally free of Ryan.

Completely and utterly free of him.

We're not going to let him come anywhere near her again.

And she sure as hell isn't going to go running back to him.

The look on her face, is one of serenity.

The look that people get when they don't have to worry anymore.

And for the first time in Bella's life, she doesn't have to worry.

She's got us to do that for her.

She knows we're here for her.

She knows we're not going to let anything hurt her ever again.

The fact that she is able to trust someone, men none the less, is remarkable.

And it takes a strength that I've never seen before.

A strength that even now, Bella doesn't even know she has.

But this all takes time.

And time is what Bella is gonna get.

That and comfort.

I looked down at her as she slept now.

Her face was smooth and calm, I could tell she was dreaming peacefully.

Her first nights here, she would thrash around and whimper in her sleep.

She was dreaming of being with him again, of trying to escape.

It hurt more then anything to see her in pain and not be able to do anything about it.

But I can now.

And I can't help but grin at what her response will be to her surprise.

I hear a soft knock on the door and Johnny pokes his head in.

I waved him in and he tip toed in, being as quiet as possible.

That is until he tripped over the cable to my phone charger and went flying across the floor.

I couldn't help but laugh as he face planted.

I quickly looked over at Bella and she was still peacefully sleeping.

"Good job short shit." I whispered to Johnny as I continued to laugh.

"Why the fuck do you have that cable there for anyone to trip over?" He whispered loudly.

"I thought since you were so close to the ground you wouldn't have any trouble seeing it. Guess I was wrong." I laughed.

Johnny flipped me off and went to sit on the other side of Bella's bed.

"How long she been out?" Johnny asked.

"About an hour an a half." I answered.

He nodded in appreciation.

"That's good. She been sleeping better? Any bad dreams?" He asked.

"Not today. She's been sleeping peacefully so far. Nurses say she only has nightmares when she's by herself, which isn't often." I told him.

"If you tell Matt that, he's never going to want to leave." Johnny pointed out.

I nodded, knowing he was telling the truth.

Matt would not leave Bella's side for a second if he knew she was having bad dreams when we're gone.

"Maybe we should keep that little fact to ourselves for a while. He's already not getting enough rest." I told Johnny.

He nodded in agreement.

"Keep what to yourselves?" Matt said, walking through the hospital door.

'Fuck.' I thought.

"Well, you see---," Johnny stuttered.

Matt narrowed his eyes and walked further into the room.

"If this is about Bella you better spit it out Johnny." Matt said in a hard voice.

Johnny gulped and I stood up.

"The nurses told me Bella has nightmares when we're away for the night." I told him.

Matt's eyes softened and he went and sat next to Bella.

He rubbed her cheek softly and she leaned into his touch.

I smiled as I watched her grab his hand and lay her head against his palm.

Matt smiled and rubbed her head with his free hand.

"I keep thinking about how someone could hurt Bella the way they did. And none of it makes sense to me." Matt said softly as he looked down at her.

I looked down at her too and I understood where he was coming from because I don't understand either.

"I don't know Matt. It's not something we had control over. But we can help her now. And we're not gonna let anything else happen to her." I vowed.

Matt nodded, his eyes never leaving Bella's sleeping face.

"So hows the surprise going?" Johnny asked.

"Great so far. They're gonna be coming in a day or two, and we'll do it then." Matt said with a grin.

He looked over at us and I grinned widely.

"You know she's gonna love this right." I told Matt.

"I really hope so. I don't think I could handle seeing her disappointment." Matt said.

I looked down at my best friend and I could tell he was telling the truth.

Matt couldn't see Bella upset, or sad or disappointed.

He's in love with her.

There's no doubt about it.

All of us can tell.

The question is, when is he gonna tell Bella.

No one knows.

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